riding on the back of Peter's Harley and music, LOVE MUSIC!!!!!I LOVE WATCHING THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS, AND BOSTON RED SOX W/ PETER AND MY BOYS:):):): reading, animals, hiking, working out, i love learning new things and listening to new music. also Forensics and i love my 2 dogs a 100% German Shepherd (Bucky) and a Shepherd / Mastiff mix (Big Kahuna)and believe it or not i actually LOVE my job:):) and did i mention riding on the back of Peters 1987 Harley.
People who are fun to be around and make me laugh. People who are real."TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE" I want to meet people who have the balls to stand up for what they really believe in even if it against the grain. All the awesome service men and woman, and thier families, fighting for our freedom and sacrificing thier lives. I hope you ALL come home safe real soon All those who helped me get sober (07/03/1994) and stay sober (my welchkins thank you so much!!) i would love to meet Tedy Bruschi (NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS members of U2 (Bono),and Stevie Nicks :):) . and I would have loved to have met the original members of Badfinger, John Lennon, George Harrison, Janis, and Jim Morrison and Keith Moon, Cliff (Metallica) Peter Townshend (THE WHO) creative genious and I really would have like to have met Mother Theresa, I think she had a lot of ambition an really worked at what she believed in, i think she was pretty cool. ..
salma hayek snake dance
EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE music. I love rock Operas , Musicals, broadway, alternative, new wave , punk, classic rock, southern rock, metal,
My Cousin Vinny, Goodfellas,Primal Fear, Basic Instinct, The Omen (the original), Jesus Christ Superstar, Usual Suspects, Resevoir Dogs, Raging Bull, The Program,Copy Cat, Robert DeNiro, Mickey Rourke , Sam Elliott, Silence of the Lambs, Godfather, Scarface, and THrillers,Suspence, Mysteries and Comedies and yes even girlie films and Broadway plays and musicals!! Hell I am easy..lol
Red Sox, Patriots,Bruins. Law and Order, Court TV, Sopranos, Sex in the City, House, Monk, Cold Case and Without a TRace,CSI, Grey's Anatomy, most sports, Boxing w/Peter and VH1 classics ..lol
LOVE ALL BOOKS , TRUE CRIME, thrillers, mystery, self-help,Big Book,autobiographies...
My Dad ( my dad is awesome!!) and My Mom (who i really miss lots)and,Peter D (TRAMP he is the best!!), 81, My welchkins--she is the funniest loudest, craziest girl I know She ROCKS. She played a huge role in my sobriety (7/3/1994).Buddies forever and ever and times to come!!!!!!All creative people and artists,musicians.. My 2 Colleens are awesome, Kathy, and Susan and Shiela, Erika and Kerri,Mom E. they are all great and of course the troops and first responders and of course...Me.. I am freakin awesome and fuckin adorable. ""I may not be all that great but I am all i think about /a