To all the animals who give their lives, conviction, loyalty and love to help their fellow human beings ... thank you!
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This site is soley based on my spirit guides, sort of a dedication to them. I could not get up in the morning without the help from them and especially God/the Great Spirit/Allah/Jehova or whoever you choose to call Him. This site is a tribute to all the special beings that He has sent my way to protect, motivate, teach, you name it. So welcome to my little spiritual world.
I have experienced many neat things in my life spiritually, but one of the coolest would have to be saints, angels and animal spirit guides.
About animal spirit guides for example, you may be taking a walk and a dove flies in front of you. The crow sitting on the tree limb seems to be looking right at you. You dream of a tiger attacking you. The same animal appears everytime you walk ouside. Your intuition is telling you that these encounters are not by chance, but how can you truly come to understand them?
Nature is the most powerful realm of magic and spirituality God has ever made upon earth after His angels and saints. In nature is found most of life's lessons and most of life's answers. There are teachings about life, death and rebirth. There are teachings of survival skills which we can apply to our modern world. Inside nature are revelations for solving problems and accomplishing tasks that seem impossible. Through nature we learn respect, nurturing and trust in what we perceive.
Nature speaks to us all the time. The problem is that most people do not listen. We have seperated ourselves from nature. We are part of nature. Everything that happens in the natural world effects us and everything that happens to us effects the natural world.
It is so easy to get wrapped up in fulfilling our daily obligations and responsibilities that we forget that we can starve as much from a lack of wonder as we can from a lack of food. Nature and animals especially (to me), awaken our sense of wonder.