We have been running alongside the official website since the beginning, so we are officially unofficial!! (This means that management knows about us, and we have contacts that give us information once it is released, this helps us to keep you all up to date as much as possible).
We are still trying to become official, and won't give up!!
On our main website we have a forum where everyone is welcome to join and chat with other fans, and have a great group of moderators to help if you get stuck with anything.
Everyone is welcome to contribute something to this page, so if you have a great vid you'd like to see here, or pictures you'd like to see in our gallery, or news we may have missed out on (or a concert review you'd like to post on our blog). Then please send a private message, and we will do our best to put it up as soon as we can.
We hope you have fun on our main website, and hope you find fellow fans here.
Best wishes
Ani and the Team
(The Team are : Nikki, Val, Elaine, Kerry, Debbie, Red, Raven and Pip)
Great News, we were nominated again for the above award, and beat our place last year. Last year we were placed at 153 in the top 200, BUT
This year we were place at 44 out of the top 200. We would like to take this oppotunity to say a huge Thank You to everyone who voted for us.
Best wishes
Ani and the Team
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