christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio profile picture

christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio

I won't stick any of you unless and until I can stick all of you

About Me

THE GROUCHO MARXISTS, my punkrock combo.DOC HOPPER, my old band.SINKHOLE, THE AG'S, DEADGUY, CASANOVACANE, THE SLOW WIRE, THE SUREFIRES: some other bands I've been in. Technical Ecstasy Studio in New Brunswick, NJ. All analog recording studio specializing in underground music and bands you've never heard of.Tons of fun old gear and the same obnoxious jerk running the place.Current records include: The ERGS "Dork Rock Cork Rod"; BUBBLE/GUM s/t; The STEINWAYS; CELEBRITY MURDERS; APATHY CODE. Demos from THIS MEANS WAR, THE FIRE STILL BURNS.Quality recordings with no computer screens or pitch correction.Apparently, according to the internet (which never lies to me) this is how I will die:
.. You scored as Eaten. Your death will be death by wild animals. You will probably get eaten by a bear or something because you don't know the natural safety precautions and are ignorant.









Natural Causes










Cut Throat







How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.comisn't that special.... I would've thought growing up in the woods of Maine would have taught me to avoid animals, but there you have it... and now to answer the eternal question...
You Are 86% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?too true.....

Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpage

My Interests

Audio engineering. Punk rock. Actually, any underground music. Charles Bukowski. Beat writers. Tube amps. Vintage music gear. Analog recording techniques. Vinyl recording (records, remember?). Cartoons. All of them.

I'd like to meet:

I am 82% Punk Rock.
. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
@ FualiDotComsomeone who looks a lot like you... and your mom.


punk rock metal powerpop jazz bluegrass stuff i've never heard before stuff i'll never hear again i want to hear everything


fear and loathing in las vegas, revenge of the nerds


The Simpsons. The Young Ones. THE CARTOON NETWORK for existing.The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathmatics Directed by Chuck Jones, 1965


ROCK AND THE POP NARCOTIC, Joe Carducci THE GREAT SHARK HUNT, Hunter S. Thompson any Chuck Klosterman.


bukowski, spot, peter criss, mike nesmith, kerouac, ginn, d.boon, watt, bill stevenson, milo, j mascis, steve albini, lennon, dale crover, buzz osborne, el duce, gg allin, aaron cometbus, elvis costello, joe jackson, lester bangs, you

My Blog

no more gobo

the reason i had the "gobo" in my name is very simple. i put it on the first Doc Hopper record as a false middle name b/c i thought full names but with silly middle names was funny, see the first DOUG...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:25:00 PST

chris vs. guitar center

So I left Guitar Center. I walked in on a Friday, did my morning stuff, bought an Mbox, sent out a final email, and left my keys at the front counter. Here's a copy of the final email. Some people g...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 07:49:00 PST

top ten reasons the 169 Bar sucks

#1. They told Gary, our bassist, he couldn't use his SVT b/c it would be too loud. Instead, we used a shitter SWR combo. After the show this douche tried to shake Gary's hand, and Gary told him to go ...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 01:30:00 PST

Not so much a blog as it is the equipment list for the studio

A few people have asked about the studio's gear, so here's the toys list. This is how I do what I do. Console: Trident 24 Series 32x24x2..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:o...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:18:00 PST

crap, i STILL missed a few....

So even with wrting things down so I wouldn't forget, I forgot a few musical projects that I was involved in...Thanks to Fid and Jay McGill for the reminders... SHEMP- drums- Spring 1992 (i think?) Hi...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:50:00 PST

"Pierce, how friggin many bands are you in now?" about 23 or so...

All my friends used to make fun of me for being in many bands. Let's see if I can remember ALL the bands I was in and give a brief recollection, timeframe and other random memory. Purely a self-aggran...
Posted by christopher pierce /TECHNICAL ECSTASY studio on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 08:06:00 PST