Heather Bloom profile picture

Heather Bloom

Doesn't every girl love golden gloves and diamonds?

About Me

WE ALL WEAR MASKS.A dear friend once told me that our alter ego is actually the real "us"...the Mr. Hyde we all try to hide. Our mask is the person we want the world to think we are.
If we are honest, we all live in denial of our true feelings and fill our days with busy tasks to avoid facing who we really are inside. A truly gifted actor is one who isn't afraid to journey into himself and reveal every facet of his humanity... so that his audience can experience their own humanity vicariously and safely.
It is monitored solely by me (Heather)and all messages are read by me and no one else. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me.
Please contact my agents Dawn or George with Landrum Arts LA at [email protected]
LATEST PROJECT: Acting with Mike Epps for his new Comedy Sketch Show
View the new Diamond Jacks commercial, my Actor's Performance Reel, and excerpts from AM Magazine below:
Diamond Jack's Commercial BC1
AM Magazine

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ABOUT THE WOMAN BEHIND THE MASK:If you are visiting my page because you hoped to see some skin, I am sorry to disappoint you. I think skin should be rationed out like pop tarts during a famine...What happened to the mystery?
I've been married to the same man for 25 years and together we have two grown children.
I've been a cake designer, singer-soloist, interior painter, decorator, furniture refinisher, seamstress, waitress, editor, student, substitute teacher, model, writer and editor, car dealership spokesperson, and television host. My background is live productions, but I am currently working in film and television. My faith in God is the foundation that keeps me grounded, and while I might not always be a reflection of Him, I am learning everyday.
Want to know more? Grab a relaxing beverage and read the page!
*Don't be afraid to sit in the pumpkin patch alone.
*Build the ark while the sun is shining.
*If you plant a field of dreams,the opportunities will come.
*Live by the Golden Rule...what goes around comes around.
*Guard your heart: It is the most precious thing you own.
The Mask
“PUT off that mask of burning gold
With emerald eyes.”
“O no, my dear, you make so bold
To find if hearts be wild and wise,
And yet not cold.”

“I would but find what’s there to find,
Love or deceit.”
“It was the mask engaged your mind,
And after set your heart to beat,
Not what’s behind.”

“But lest you are my enemy,
I must enquire.”
“O no, my dear, let all that be;
What matter, so there is but fire
In you, in me?”

Author: William Butler Yeats
Online Poetry at PoetryFeast.com

Buried at PhotoCasket.com
found this movies layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotCommentsGenerate your own contact table!

My Interests

ACTING AND PRINT MODELING PORTFOLIO: (All photos courtesy of Dawn Landrum of Landrum Arts LA unless otherwise noted:

The Minnesota Twins (if you are a Derek Jeter fan you may step off. Jeter might have his own cologne to stay fresh, but my guys need no artificial enhancement to show they have game)

Dairy Queen soft serve, but only when it's light, fluffy, and white...not overly frozen, grainy, and yellow. (Man,that sounds really high-maintainance, but if you like Dairy Queen then you know what I mean! lol)
My morning coffee
Strawberry twizzlers
Hot French fries dripping with melted cheese
Sauerkraut and sausage pizza (ja, ist gut!)
Jovan White Musk parfum
Cryptogram puzzles
Handling a weedwacker, powerwasher, & other power tools (not simultaniously)
"Sage & Citrus" and "Midsummer Night" scents by Yankee Candles
Tylenol PM
Waterproof mascara (a must for any actress)
Answering telemarketer phone calls with an obscure accent.
Orange or yellow roses (red is so typical)
Belting out show tunes to annoy my family
The intense peace & silence when walking in a wooded glen late at night when it's snowing
Campfires... and the way bacon tastes when you fry it outdoors
Getting off spectacular hip shots with a pump gun
Intelligent and witty conversation
When people talk excessively or cause distractions during movies, shows, or ballgames
Cheap razors...(my shins will never be the same!)
Watermelon candy
Flavored coffees and creams (are we having coffee or a happy hour cocktail?)
Popcorn kernels that end up down your blouse (HOW does one deal with THAT?)
Moldy sour cream when you have the perfect baked potato waiting
Meringue (because there is whipped cream...duh!)
When people miss the trash can and don't care (this is kleenex etiquette)...and while we are on the subject...people who use each other like kleenex
The combination of slippery floors and slilletos
The combination of chocolate and fruit (caramel is gooey, sticky, and just tastes better)
Needing to call a plumber
Health care workers who don't care
Cursing when there are more effective forms of communication

I'd like to meet:

I've already met them. You never know whether you'd like to meet someone until you already have, and I have met many interesting people, from famous actors & polititians to farmers & poets. We may have even met angels unaware!

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The Eagles: favorite group of all time. Other favs: Michael McDonald, Restless Heart, Brian Duncan, Switchfoot, Casting Crowns, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Cindy Morgan , Sting & The Police, Nickelback, Evanescence, Five for Fighting, Hall & Oates, Dan Fogelberg, old Motown hits, classic rockers like Foreigner & Journey(all the stuff we 40-somethings were indoctrinated with), classical musicians like Josh Groban & Charlotte Church, Shumann, Chopin & Rachmaninoff, Barry Manilow (c'mon, be real and admit it), and even The White Stripes. Clay Aiken is my favorite American Idol to date. I like a song before I like the artist.


The Devil's Advocate, Iron Man, Queen Christina, When Harry Met Sally, Dreamgirls, Tootsie, Napolean Dynomite, Austin Powers, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, An American President, Somewhere in Time, Roxanne, Sense & Sensiblity, The Devil Wears Prada, anything touched by Sydney Pollack, Rob Reiner, M Knight, or Ron Howard, anything with an interesting twist or that isn't schmaltzy ...i'll think of more later!


I don't sit down long enough for TV, but: Numbers, Without a Trace, Unwrapped, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Seinfeld, Spongebob Squarepants, reruns of The Carol Burnett Show.

.. make

MySpace Editor


Bible, the Ransomed Heart series by John Eldredge, the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, the Encyclopedia Britannica ( I read them as a kid....now it's Wikepedia), and any reference guide. I love autobiographies, too. Rediscovering Shakespeare and am seeing the parallels between his world and ours more than ever. I detest cheesy romance novels or self-help books by authors who claim to have ALL the answers!.. make

MySpace Editor


Jesus, my parents and those who care for my parents, those in my circle, journalists Peter Jennings & Charles Gibson, my Minnesota Twins (always the underpaid underdogs), unsung heroes like janitors, maids, and anyone in service who make our lives more beautiful.
(And now):
Masquerading with my daughter:

My Blog

Whose List?

The many friends of Myspace All try to take Marilyn's place. They clamor for the attention Fake glamour, and did I mention All compete for number one Not wanting to be outdone. Revealing so much skin,...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:53:00 PST

Too Hot for Hose

Whatever the rest of the nation thinks, it is hereby too hot for pantyhose. It's official.  This is the time of year when every lady of the south checks the weather forecast more than gas price...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Sun, 25 May 2008 09:04:00 PST

Undressed Memories

Undressed Memories Somewhere in the living  Memories can leave you unclad.  The very thing you're giving Can be something you've never had.   Dressed in what was only loaned, Clothed...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:06:00 PST

For the Love of Cheese

The most difficult acting challenge I've ever had happened just a few months ago in one of our weekly training workshops.  The exercise seemed simple enough:  Convince the group that you ar...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:13:00 PST

A Day in the Life

Has anyone ever told you, "Your life sounds so exciting!" Well don't feel bad&nobody used to tell me that, either. Not when I was raising two preschoolers and decorating cakes for extra cash while su...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST

Hair today, gone tomorrow

What lengths will whimsy fancy next? The highlights and lows have me perplexed; These sebacious strands have got me vexed. Give me that flippin’ flair!     It’s clipped...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 10:06:00 PST

Ode to Sonic (revisited)

 Friends...I wrote this some time ago and realized I am hooked again and probably need therapy...lol! Enjoy   Ode to Sonic Drive-In At first the visits were strictly platonic-- Those late-n...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:52:00 PST

MORE, or Less

A rainy, cool winter evening:  perfect for lighting a few candles and hunkering down with my latest copy of MORE magazine. As SEVENTEEN is to girls becoming women, and COSMO and GLAMOUR are to wo...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 06:14:00 PST

Crossing the Line

It happened again.   Not that I should have been surprised, really.  It was only a matter of time before the uncivilized antics of Pop King Michael Jackson and the bizarre behaviors of Po...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:56:00 PST

State of the Union

Making waves over amber waves of grain Plastic mountains seem more majestic than plain No ceremony to crown the almost-good. No ribbon for a striving brotherhood.   From sea to tarnished sea f...
Posted by Heather Bloom on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:14:00 PST