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Cock sucking man love club

About Me

I always hate filling these fuckers out. Ok first off my name is Jesse. Im in a band called Societal Hemorrhage, check us out. I cant spell and have horrible gramer, I alredy know this so if you wannt to correct my spelling go ahead maybe i might lern something. I dont do much with my life, im from a small shit hole of a town that i absolutly hate and i dont have many friends who live hear, the few i do have though are pritty alright. Im a punk but cant stand the hole "punk" attitude bullshit. Spitting on people, being rude, and being uneducated dosent make you a fucking punk, it makes you a prick. I hate narow close minded people, I give you the time of day and listen to what you have to say with an open mind so dont be a close minded ass hole just because you dont wannt to accept anything that might prove you wrong, or that is in contrast to what you think. I have a but of a drinking problem, I love beer, its my first love next to music. Im drug free, (exept for the odd joint now and again) i wont even take medication. I cant stand Vegetarians/Vegans and Stright edge kids who try to push there belifes on me or otherpeople, Im proud that you can go without booz and drugs and u can go without meat but I cant, and i dont wannt to, just like you have the right to not eat animals and not drink, i have the same right to eat a fucking burger and have a beer without you levturing me. If i really gave a fuck about how inhuman slaughter houses were or how alcohol fucks up your liver then i wouldent do ither one.. but the fact is i dont care thats why i drink and eat bloody animal hide. Im really fucked up at times and most people find me creepy but thats only because i like to creep people out for a good laugh. Im sarcastic and half the shit i say isent true. Im a pritty nice guy but have no patience for people without minds, i cant talk to be friends with someone who cant hold a conversation without discusing curent trends and how they got the "coolest sickest" shoes the other night. I also hate the mind set of the average small town farmers. I go to school with a bunch of farming peaces of shit and yes i get it "Farmers Feed Canida" but all you fucks just crack me up when all you love is John Deer tracktors, Trucker caps, dirt bikes, and how your sooo proud of your small towns. They suck, there is no mass culture or anything of relitivity for you to grow from and lern from. That being said, Im not a complet dick, I just play one on TV.

My Interests

Music, Drums, Booz, and sleeping those things are always good

I'd like to meet:

Porn Stars, Hitler (so i could kick him in the nuts), People with inteligence who interest me, and anyone who isent a complet ass hole.


Allot of punk bands. Im to lazy to right them out so ask me some day and you might find out


Hell Raiser, Night of the living dead, house of 1000 corpses, Romber Stomper, Suburbia, SLC Punk, A hole shit load of documentrys, and any old B movie


I dont watch TV all to much but a few good shows are Family Guy, Mith Busters, Antiques Roadshow (i know its lame but i always find myself watching it), and Southpark


A Clockwork Orange, Fall on your Knees, Go Ask Alice. Those are probibly by top 3


Well when im feeling down i like to think WWJDBGDAPO and incase u have been in a cave for 30 years and you dont know what that meens it stands for What Would Jesse Do Before Getting Drunk And Passing Out. I need to lern how to spell

My Blog

Hillary Duff has a Cell Phone Addiction

So im sitting at home flipping threw chancles and come fucking celebrity show cums up talking about hillary duff having a cell phone addiction for fuck sakes. I cant belive how desperate they are to s...
Posted by Cockroach on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 07:06:00 PST

The "N" Word

The Word is Nigger! This little rant of mine is inspired by a peace a say online, A black man telling everyone of all ethonic culture that the word is Nigger. Now its my turn to give a fairly white pe...
Posted by Cockroach on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:14:00 PST

A drunken poem

Some lame cheesy thing i made all drunk on night even though im not drunk now. It goes out to my band (Jam, Javid, Jamie, and Dan.) Steve-o, Brad, Jordie, even little Colt 45 all my regular ...
Posted by Cockroach on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:47:00 PST

5th rant. All you dumb Psychobilly kids

haha no seriosuly. I like Psychobill allot. there is nothing wrong with it.. and the kids who like it are pritty cool from the ones i know.. and the girls.. ur all too beatuiful. But i donno. Sure its...
Posted by Cockroach on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:46:00 PST

The 4th drunken rant.. even though im only half drunk. i accidently made this one a bulliten.

Now those of you who know me, and half of you who dont know that i like the drink.. and i probibly like the drink a little too much but thats nither hear no there. I'll Save that for AA.But i have not...
Posted by Cockroach on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:06:00 PST

The 3rd of many drunken rants

Now i have made it a prmis to myself that i would not suscribe to the blog craze unless i was drunk. because I myself and against blogs for what they stand for.. they are just a way for one perso...
Posted by Cockroach on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST

The Most pointless blog ever created by I

Ok so usualy i dont were underpants.. and i think i finaly figured out why.. But to fully understand u must go back to last night. Last night my ex girlfriend slept over hear cuz we were hanging out a...
Posted by Cockroach on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:41:00 PST

The 1st drunken rant. (I hate Girly girls)

I just relized that although i LOOOVE pussy. (i know im a pervert). that i absolutly hate most types of girls. I donno why they just make me mad. Well i do know why. And for the record i dont mean ALL...
Posted by Cockroach on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:01:00 PST