The worst day of my lifeHi, my name is Ray. And this is my story.
In Janurary 2004, I was badly injured on the job. I was in an explosion at a chemical company. There was a gas leak, and a fork lift sparked, causing a explosion. I was rushed by ambulance to one hospital, and then air lifted to another,but because there was not enough room for me, I was air lifted to another hospital in Memphis TN. Where I spent 3 and a half months in the burn unit fighting for my life, and battleing infections.
After being released from the burn unit, I lived in a motel room for another 5 and a half months, with my girlfriend and 3 kids. The reason for the motel was so I could go to the best therapist possible, because I had to re-learn alot of things, or learn to do things in a different way than I was used to.
Finally I got to return home to a new way of life. I married my girlfriend in November of 2005. I have a bunch of new gadgets, to help me in my every day life. Through all of it I lost a lot, including my hands, my ears, some muscles, and tendons, and movement of a elbow, and foot drop.
And thats my story, the short version of course. cars layout @ HOT