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Myspace Layouts at / Just a few guitars
Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Windtalkers, We Were Soldiers, Halloween, Road House, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Just One Of The Guys, Can't Buy Me Love, Dawn of the Dead, Sean of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Terminator, Rocky (all of them!), Cobra, Bruce Lee movies, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Apocalypse, Wizard of Oz, It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, All the Vacation movies, Meatballs, name a few.
Basically, the only reason to watch tv is for "Friends" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" reruns, Metal Mania, and Hockey, Football and Baseball games. And the Ghost Hunters!
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Anyone who has managed to make what they love to do, and what they do for a living the same thing. That's the key to a happy life in my opinion. Also, our military! Particularly (but not exclusively) WWII veterans, whose sacrifices saved the world. And my mom...for her strength and love especially after dad died. It could not have been easy to be left with 3 little kids after losing your spouse, but she didn't often let it show. Love you Mom!