cavedave profile picture


Smashie, Smashie !!! It will fit eventually.

About Me

Lately, I pick up heavy and large items and fit them into places where they have decided to live a new life. And they seem to enjoy going to their new homes. It is sometimes so gratifying that I seldom need to drop kick the crap out of electronics appliance superstore manger that makes me wait for 30 minutes on a loading dock and won't open the door because they can't touch my paperwork BECAUSE they won't open the door. The Catch-22 of it is oh so funny. But as for things I really like: Bikes, working on things metal, banging loudly on metal with metal, building metal leg extensions, trying to create small robots to do my bidding and most of all, C.T. Beatdown Day. (Also know as Sunday thru Saturday)

My Interests

  • Stuff that melts or burns. Things that look good when dropped from high above the earth and the possiblity that you can jump out a plane SANS parachute and land in enough of a giant haystack to live.
  • Have you ever thrown "Cackling Balls" down your pants? They are like fireworks that come in a shape that looks just like a little bomb from the old Mad magazine comic strip "SPY VS. SPY". As round as a gumball with a thick wick out of the top. When then ignite they don't blow up or anything like that, oh no, they send out a shower of litle sparkling silver fireballs that make a hissing and popping sound as they burn out. Well, while sober I threw some down my pants for a humourous effect right before I needed to get in the car to continue an 7 hour road trip that had only 1 hour down and 6 to go. Let's just say that I relearned all my Chemistry lessons from high school as I felt my left calf bond to the burning elemental sulfide that the small, little cackling ball inside the big ball are packed in. For all those that are hazy on this subject, elemental sulfide will use water to keep burnig after it is ignited, it won't go out if you pour some water on it, it just uses the oxygen to burn hotter. And what is your skin have a shitload off in it? So a large area of 2nd and 3rd degrees in the next few seconds, an open beer from the bar we had just stolen it from to cool doen the leg a little and we continued on our merry way. The weekend was a dozy as within 36 hours there were fights, screaming matches, driving mishaps, angry diner staff, confused (and scared) swap meet patrons and a near death experience for Joe and Fitzy when our man Joe almost died falling through a roof, breaking a toilet and needing a lot of modern medicine to bring him back up to speed.
  • Well, that's one of the dumb things, I do have some smart ones.
  • I'd like to meet:

    Anyone who tries to make something; old timers who know the tricks of metal machining on bridgeports, lathes and a shaper; people who dismantle public utilities bolt by bolt; Somebody who wants to sell a flatbed truck with a knuckleboom crane cheap so I can start moving the heavyest things possible.


    Trying to listen to the radio without the urge to pummel my own ears.


    If it has Lee Marvin or Lee Van Clef, your goona do o.k.


    So the other day I didn't need to work until late in the day and was flipping thru some channels. I got to Jerry Springer (Yeah, no cable. What do you want, I live in a real cave.) and I was kinda freaked out at how they would keep ringing this fight type bell, like one from a boxing match and the "guests" would just instantly charge each other. There wasn't the slighest hesatation, just pure unchecked emtional outlease. (No, not release, outlease.) It was amazing to see such a trained response to aural stimilui. I need to harness this flaw in humans for some seriously evil and devious shit. And send Jerry a letter after I rule the kown universe thanking him for the inspiration.


    Trying to read more fiction, but reality keeps pulling me in. I borrowed "Who Will Tell The People" by William Greider from 1992. It is scary how anybody in power sells Democracy for almost nothing. Lots of old machine manuals and Popular Mechanics how-to articles from the 50's and 60's.


    My heros are the folks that I have met over the years... Kellfire, Juan McGeckstien, Paz, J.A. Fahey, Elias P. Kirtz,(well, really the whole Kirtz clan) , Bike Beth, Arron G. Fannon, Mr. Keith Zug (He's new to the online world, so let's play nice), Brantner, Mel L., the 99cent posse, C.T., Mike D., Bill Dwyer, Michael the girl Wilson, Cathy "Trashdragon" Cathodic, Elvis P.K., all the Daves from the past, present and future (Beachcomber Dave, Brand New Dave, Etc.), Boston Blackouts, J.R., Adam Scotto, man this could last forever, the list goes on and on...R.I.P... Lady K, Brandon and all the others that left much too early.

    My Blog

    Slowly as usual

    Maybe I should write some crap. New pictures of my slighty mangled foot. Yes, I somehow managed to bump an angle grinder, it locked in the on postion, shimmied across the workbench and leapt into a ...
    Posted by cavedave on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:38:00 PST


    Damn, I gotta try harder.
    Posted by cavedave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

    Back to vegas

    Going to Las Vegas again for the Interbike trade show. Mr. Super Regular and I are planning a scvenger hunt style bike race, so hopefully the masses will actually bring something to ride. Maybe a li...
    Posted by cavedave on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST