I am interested in all life has to offer. Specific interests though include reading, sailing, gardening, food, wine, family, friends. On the other side BDSM fascinates me with particular interests in rubber, bondage and discipline, mummification, breath play, medical play, CBT, anal, role play - and the list goes on and on......
I enjoy meeting like minded souls to share experiences and knowledge.
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Handcuffs
I enjoy listening to anything from Vivaldi to Rammstein, and anything in between
Crash... Watched it with my friend Mistress Astrid Electra and laughed and cried and laughed and cried again...My latest favourite is Mr Bean's Holiday - annoyed everybody around me on the plane going to Thailand by laughing out loud uncontrollably
Catalyst, Spics & Specs, Chaser, Enough Rope, So you think you can dance, Antiques Roadshow (hmmm have I revealed too much about myself here)
I read voraciously, anything I can lay my hands on when I have the time.Have just finished Dianne Cilento's autobiography My Nine Lives - it was great!! Am currently reading Tuesdays with Morrie.
The Dalai Lama,General Peter Cosgrove, Sir Gustav Nossal, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda (have managed to meet all but Bill & Melinda so far) - for their efforts in trying to make the world a better place.