People of passion, a good documnetary, being crazy and clubbing until dawn, leather, latex, BDSM, fetish, kink, golf (the cruelest Domme I've ever played with!), pain, submission, perversion, porn, snow, travel, shopping, foot massages, spoiling, driving, XBOX, computers, writing profiles for websites - NOT!My friends - from the straight to the downright perverted!
People of substance who know the difference between fetish and 'oooh, a little kinky'! Those who enjoy darkness, difference and envelope themselves in sensation. People who tolerate and celebrate difference.
Goddess's who seek the one. Who know a true subby when they see it and can inflict terrible suffering but know it is an expression of true love.
Kinks who love/hate life with passion and attack it with a vengence.I am not interested in bigots or intolerant people, and if you me to 'add' you, know that I then expect to actually communicate.
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Andy Asstronut
What's Your Porn Star Name?
Eclectic. Pistols to heavy techno (still searching for good techno in this RnB dominated US!). Guitar thrash to Springsteen ballads. Evocative and sensual music. Stuff that stirs passions, feelings, desires, lust.Love my good old fashioned Aussie rock - Accadacca, Angels, Oils, Spy. Music to dance to, to play to. Trance that puts you into the zone as you await for the click click click of those towering heels . . .
Movies that make you want to kick lifes Ass.Apocalypse Now (I'm a Coppolla junkie), Pleasantville, Preachig to the Perverted, Godfather 1,2,3, The Secretary, Matreisse, good S&M porn, American Beauty, Two Hands, Pulp Fiction, Matrix, Full Metal Jacket, Blade and a stream of others.John Wayne westerns, war movies with lots of bangs
Just discovered the Family Guy - awesome. Simpsons, reality TV (ok, I'm a sucker for manufactured farce!), Aussie rules footy, golf (hey i'm a masochist of the highest order), doucmentaries that make you gasp, Becker, the Office, british comedy, crap TV that you can just zone out to
I love them! Real life stoires, crappy fiction, historical volumes.Things that make ones mind boggle, that take one somewhere else, that inspire, depress, enrage, outrage.Make you THINK.
People of substance, people who care about me, people who accept lifes evil twists with a smile and no fuss.