blah blah blah. Gives a fuck. Except that I'm a debonair, yet swashbuckling sort who likes to have experiences. I've danced. Built a suspension bridge. Jumped out of a plane. Explored a cave. Had stitches. Seen a dead body. Fired a gun. Told a joke. Pulled a prank. Been on tv. Skateboarded. Seen punk rock. Left the country. Flown an airplane. Ridden a roller coaster. Taught a class. Driven to San Francisco for a burrito. Been bitten by a black widow spider. Mastered stucco. Dug a hole. Gotten lucky. Been lost. Sewn a button. Blown a balloon. Buttered a bread. Bent steel rods with my bare hands. Jumped off the amp stacks. Changed my own oil. Been punched in the face. Had an operation. Handled snakes. Seen a lion. Mowed a lawn. Been desperate. Played frisbee. Been arrested. Drank wheatgrass juice. Jumped for joy. Knocked myself out. Gone bowling. Said a prayer and told a lie.
Now, all that considered, I think I'd rather drink piss than wheatgrass juice.