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Tom Smith

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

blah blah blah. Gives a fuck. Except that I'm a debonair, yet swashbuckling sort who likes to have experiences. I've danced. Built a suspension bridge. Jumped out of a plane. Explored a cave. Had stitches. Seen a dead body. Fired a gun. Told a joke. Pulled a prank. Been on tv. Skateboarded. Seen punk rock. Left the country. Flown an airplane. Ridden a roller coaster. Taught a class. Driven to San Francisco for a burrito. Been bitten by a black widow spider. Mastered stucco. Dug a hole. Gotten lucky. Been lost. Sewn a button. Blown a balloon. Buttered a bread. Bent steel rods with my bare hands. Jumped off the amp stacks. Changed my own oil. Been punched in the face. Had an operation. Handled snakes. Seen a lion. Mowed a lawn. Been desperate. Played frisbee. Been arrested. Drank wheatgrass juice. Jumped for joy. Knocked myself out. Gone bowling. Said a prayer and told a lie.
Now, all that considered, I think I'd rather drink piss than wheatgrass juice.

My Interests

Stuff and things. Going places. Beach cruising, Mountain Biking, Lube testing, hiking, music, reading, movies, talking, flirting, yoga, computers, internet, php, html, sql, mysql, lamp, linux, open source This is all about all the fun, exciting shit I do. What about slack? You need to know I like naps, and watching movies from the couch.

I'd like to meet:

PHP groupies and like-minded souls. Jim Morrison. Bill Wilson. Hot chicks who dig me.


All stoner rock all the time lately, but I go in phases. Tom Waits, punk rock, 80's kroq euro trash disco, Sabbath all the time, classic rock. Downbeat stuff. Theivery Corporation. Sinatra. Country and Western not so much, except for maybe a bit of Patsy Kline, Hank Williams I and Johnny Cash.


I like movies. Children Of Men was great. Malcolm McDowell is completely underated. Caligula, A Clockwork Orange.
You know what I liked?--Johnny Mnemonic. Oliver Stone. Stanley Kubrick -- except Eyes Wide Shut, that was not so good. Akira Kurosawa. Ghost In The Shell, Ninja Scroll. The Matrix.


TV is a tool used by multinational corporations (like the News Corp., the owner of myspace -- so it's really theirspace, then, innit?) to rot the mind and control the populace. yeah, whatever. So, having laid that disclaimer:
Battlestar Galactica on the scifi channel is bichen. Reality TV shows are invariably intolerable, and MTV is just... horrific torture.
I Love Lucy. The Brady Bunch. The first 5 seasons of the Sopranos were great.


Reading. That's what I like to do is read books, and I has read a bunch ov dem.
Neal Stephenson. Robert Heinlein. Isaac Asimov. William Gibson. Dashiell Hammett. Raymond Chandler. Ian Fleming. Greg Bear. James Elroy. Stephen King Richard Bachman. Stephen Baxter. Joe Haleman. Chuck Palahniuk. Larry Niven. Clive Barker.


My mom. Jeff K.