sharon profile picture


I make MY guac spicy

About Me

a background in art history actually got me a job!
moving to spain has been put on hold indefinitely...
i love L.A. too much to leave...
i have the greatest friends...
i decided i want to go back to school
somehow combining architectural history
and art history
i'm in training to be a docent for the l.a. conservancy
anyone want to learn about art deco buildings?
i am learning the handbook now!
i work with/for wonderful people...
i take care of other people's finances...
quicken is rad - i love creating graphs...
but i neglect my paperwork until i have a 3 month backlog...
i hate running...
but i did a marathon...
it was the hardest thing i ever did in my life...
and the worst experience ever...
yet i actually want to do another one...
hopefully i won't have food poisoning next time...
i'm sure i could shave off about an hour from my...
7h 14min finish time...
could you imagine running/walking that long???
whilst ill???
absolutely dreadful!
it took me 5 years over a 10 year period
to graduate from a 2 year community college...
i completed 96 units when only 60 were needed...
then it took me 3 years to finish a 2 year program
at a 4 year university...
i still feel like i've got plenty to learn...
i'm an adult - yet i still feel like a girl...
my life is a paradox sometimes...
but i'm happy ...
i tried being a vegan
it's so difficult!
then i tried just being a vegetarian
but i went to a bbq
pass the chicken please
some of my favorite things:
my ski socks - they are yummy!
i put them on and my feet say "ahhhh".
favorite flowers: sweet peas & ranunculus
favorite fruits: apricots, figs, berries
favorite alcoholic drink: shot of tequila chased with
pineapple juice (thanks travis)
favorite sunday activity: larchmont farmer's market
i love to cook for friends
i recently discovered that i enjoy skiing
i want to learn how to surf
i love warm weather
i love sunny days
i love bright colors like red and orange and yellow
i love to kiss
i love being in love
but it's been so long...
i miss being in love. (sigh)
being unemployed was the best thing that happened to me
it helped me re-discover what matters in life...
i never realized how miserable i was at that mortgage company - and i didn't realize how much richer life could be until after i quit...
i'm finding my happiness
rather than working for a paycheck...
yes i'm struggling to make ends meet...
but i just couldn't go on the way i was going...
it'll all work out for the better in the end
i'm sure of it!

My Interests

tarot cards
bowling (where can i do that anymore?)
a medium rare spencer-cut rib-eye steak
walking to the farmer's market
learning something new and/or doing something different at least once a week
crossword puzzles
and baking cupcakes.

I'd like to meet:

People to hike with!
I'd like to continue doing things with my friends...
basically - i want to meet fun, normal easy-going people

who i don't want to meet:
people who feed me lines
i can usually see thru them
i'm friendly - i'll talk to just about anyone
i genuinely like meeting people
everyone has a story
but if the talk turns to fluff - go away!

and unless we are already friends & talk regularly:
Don't EVER call or text me after 10 pm!!!

Recent reviews by Sharon E. What's this?


Jonesey's Jukebox
G Love and Special Sauce
Rolling Stones
Cheap Trick
Elvis Presley
The Ramones
Velvet Underground


Bottle Rocket
The Royal Tennenbaums
Monty Python - Holy Grail and Life of Brian
True Romance
Shawshank Redemption
Frezno Smooth
sex, lies and videotape


Arrested Development
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Kids in the Hall
Twilight Zone (the old b&w episodes)


The Artist's Way
any Poe
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (i recommend this book to everyone!)
Art History textbooks (i like books with pictures)
cookbooks - especially the ones with pictures!
harry potter
Team of Rivals


anyone who will come to my house and kill a spider for me is a hero in my book!

My Blog

why did he even bother??? this was so silly...

an old high school friend contacted me the other day.  actually, we'd spoken in february - then he went m.i.a. for a few months... then we went out to dinner again in april... then he disappeared...
Posted by sharon on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:46:00 PST

why is it so surprising...

this has happened to me several times in the past few months...... why is it so surprising that i actually know stuff??has stupidity become the norm?  are people's expectations really that low of...
Posted by sharon on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:10:00 PST

a fleeting glance

has time ever stopped for you?  where for a moment - just a moment - you are trapped in a vaccuum and the rest of the world is a blur and all you focus is on one thing?  that little moment -...
Posted by sharon on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:10:00 PST

when a review comes back to haunt you.

As some of you know, i'm a total foodie - and i write about my experiences on all the time. i wrote a 3* review for Happi Songs Asian Tavern about 2 months ago - a totally honest review and ...
Posted by sharon on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 03:25:00 PST

back to school?

i'm ready.i got my undergrad degree in that it's four years later, i'm ready to return for grad school!now that i have an idea of what i want to do again, i'm getting really excited... i'm ...
Posted by sharon on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:18:00 PST

sucker for marketing or just a sucker

i really can't wait for the new Simpson's movie to come out... perhaps that will mean an end to all those tempting treats that are tempting me to go into 7-11...i started this morning on the right foo...
Posted by sharon on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:17:00 PST

what really gives me a short temper? Morons.

and i thought it was the tequila......actually, the tequila made me tollerant - it's dealing with f*ing morons...text from 818 area code 2a.m.: Howdyme: state your name, and your intentions.(818): Tom...
Posted by sharon on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 11:09:00 PST

Note to Self: update in comments 2/22/07

When you feel like going into "and another thing..." mode, delete all traces of numbers/text messages/email addresses... delete. Delete. DELETE!!!!IMMEDIATELY!!!AND dump the contents of the "deleted f...
Posted by sharon on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

Do Not Disturb?

Has the i-pod become the new "Do Not Disturb" sign?  One must always be prepared for any type of situation involving extended travel with strangers (e.g. plane, train, subway, bus...)On my last f...
Posted by sharon on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST

ringing in the new year right - by breaking all resolutions!

First off - i had resolved a number of years ago to never make new year resolutions ever again... it lasted quite a while - my longest lasting resolution yet!However i broke that one a few days ago wh...
Posted by sharon on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:44:00 PST