Music and music and more music. Guitars and bass players and live music.
Anyone with more than one thought in their head...
The greats, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, John Lennon solo, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Janice Joplin, Heart, The Pretenders, Diana Ross, Jewel, Mazzy Star, Queen, and about 1.2 billion others.... I love hearing new stuff, so I could never really keep this current.
When I get time, I like to be a little scared. :-P All the cheesy horror flicks ever! House of a 1,000 Corpses, Saw I and II, The Devil's Rejects, Texas Chainsaws, The Rings... And let's not forget, everything with the "Brat Pack" Wedding Crashers, etc... Vince Vaughn is my hero.
Anything NOT reality, so basically, commercials and HBO :P
Chuck Palahniuk everything, Kurt V., Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse, The Bitch Posse, and of course, She's Come Undone. (honestly, if you haven't read that yet, stop whatever you are doing and read up!)
My mom, for teaching me to stand up for what I believe in. My math teacher in 11th grade for not failing me even though I didn't know a thing. And Superman, for flying better than I ever will.