Blade of Terror profile picture

Blade of Terror

Blade of Terror's official profile

About Me


In march 2004 two metal bands clashed in Piaseczno. From their remains a new power was born. During Autumn 2004 the band came to life as 'Blade of Terror' and made its first step before infecting the world with fear and veneral diseases. On November 30 Blade of Terror played their debut show in Warsaw. Since then, the band gathers more strenght and breeds upon the weak playing more and more shows. Prepare your asses for this metal!


See our first live performance in 2004...

Blade of Terror - Possessed Organist (live 2004)

...and how it looked in 2006:

Blade of Terror - Maze of Lunatics (live 2006).

My Interests


Member Since: 8/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Thomas C. - vocals
Flisak - guitars
Boletz - guitars
Urded - bass
Grabb - drums


Yeah! Blade of Terror playing Sepultura's Territory... (Nov 2006, Warsaw).

Sounds Like:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New CD - recording session

HELL-o!We are recording our debut CD this week. The drum tracks have been already recorded, so I can tell you there will be about 23-25 minutes of metal heavier than your mothers' asses! Meanwhile we ...
Posted by Blade of Terror on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

Pumping the Iron...

Witam! Dzieki wszystkim, ktorzy przyszli na koncert w Progresji. Bylo znakomicie! Tymczasem przedstawiam plan na zime: zajmiemy sie teraz dopracowaniem aranzacji starych numerow i dokonczymy nowe; jak...
Posted by Blade of Terror on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 08:09:00 PST