Flame Berg profile picture

Flame Berg

Official Flame Berg's profile

About Me

Flame Berg - bio

Flame Berg was formed in March 2006 from the ashes of a band which used to be called the same name. There were two guys from the former line-up: Grzywa (guitars and melodic vocals) and Manovar (bass). Then three more joined the band: Domin (drums), Thomas C. (growling vocals) and Madguy (lead guitar). Our idea was to play complicated and heavy though melodic music based on thrash metal.

In april 2006 we recorded first demo songs and one more in september. Those three pieces of metal were used on one CD for promotion: With Mist I Fall, Road Without an End and Obscure Truth. We have played a few shows, and now we are preparing a new CD.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/22/2006
Band Website: flameberg.prv.pl
Band Members:

Thomaz - vocals

Grzywa - guitars & backing vocals

Madguy - lead guitar

Domin - drums

Cookie - bass

Influences: Testament, Pantera, Children of Bodom, Archeon, Al-Sirat, Kreator, Death, Carcass, Sepultura, Slayer, Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Pain of Salvation, Pink Floyd, Joe Satriani, Rage Against The Machine, Hatebreed, Communic, Mnemic, Hatesphere, Exodus, Mechanical Poet and many others...
Sounds Like: FLAME BERG
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Koncerty, koncerty!

Witam, Ostatnio mielismy okazje zagrac dla Was pare konkcertow w Warszawie. W piatek atakujemy Piaseczno, a 22 grudnia najedziemy Progresje na Sudden Death Fest 2 - to bedzie niezapomniana Wigilia ;) ...
Posted by Flame Berg on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 07:15:00 PST

Obscure Truth! Some photos...

Hello friends!  In September we recorded and put on the web a new track called Obscure Truth. Hope you like it! Now we're going to play few gigs, so - prepare yer asses! Here are some pics fr...
Posted by Flame Berg on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:12:00 PST

End of holidays

--- We are recording a new song in September - so behold becuse we will upload it here soon! We are preparing our full album in winter but now we need one more song to take part in some rock contests...
Posted by Flame Berg on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:41:00 PST