Hedfirst powstal siedem lat temu. Ciezka praca i determinacja, z jaka dzialal zespól doprowadzily w przeciagu kilku lat do osiagniecia ugruntowanej pozycji na polskiej scenie ciezkiego grania. Hedfirst wydal dwie plyty (Hedfirst - 2003 i Scarismatic 2005), a ponadto powolal do zycia Metal Union Road Tour, ogolnopolska trase, podczas ktorej grala sama czolówka metalowego i hard-corowego swiatka, z Frontside, Hunter, Flapjack, Schizma na czele. Do tej pory odbyly sie 3 edycje entuzjastyczne przyjete przez fanow ciezkiego grania. Hedfirst to tez ponad setka koncertow we wszystkich zakatkach Polski, dzielic deski sceny mieli zaszczyt m.in z Testament, Soulfly, Mudvayne, Walls of Jericho, Acid Drinkers, Corruption... Obecnie Hedfirst skupia sie na promocji nowej plyty, ktora wydaje sie byc najwazniejsza w dorobku zespolu. Godforsaken uderzy 15 pazdziernika!!! Intensywne dzialania w mediach, koncerty - to najblizsze dzialania warszawskiego bandu.
Hedfirst was formed almost seven years ago. From the beginning Hedfirst was directly focused on hard work, strong attitude, and of course shows. It brought Hedfirst as a recognizable band on polish metal and some hard-core scene. Hedfirst released two full lenght albums (Hedfirst - 2003 and Scarismatic 2005). Hedfirst has created periodic polish tour which is called Metal Union Road Tour. In every year Hedfirst invite some greats polish metal and hard-core band to be a part of Metal Union Road Tour.
Right now Hedfirst is focused on a new record. The 3rd album will be released 15th of October. "Godforsaken" (the title of this record) is most powerfull, strong, hard, brutal, but with some melodic part, album in Hedfirst's history. So, if you are into bands like: Hatebreed, Pantera, Slayer, Throwdown, Machine Head etc. this album is FOR YOU.
"A NEW DAY" - New Video !!!
video by: Shary