If we can considerate that every term that we constantly use and abuse are determinated for aspects, subjetcs, and "things" that we are enable to "catch" Or aprehense. the "term" Blurb is one very example of this incapacitity of the Words or languaje in general.
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f we can considerate That we can`t get in the same point of others, and in others terms, we can´t get in a point of total empathy (a term used by psychologist research in all over the world) so we are totally screwed.
So on and on, and i´m just burbling.
But now, in the place that i am now ubicated (or desubicated) That is not yours, I am very proud to concern about a diferent terms that can get into a diferent levels of understanding (under-standing) or about the Diferránce (Diferancia in spanish) of the exercise of writing.
Now ça s´oupire.
Or in other words TheMarmot has arrive.
Snow and ( )
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