the wifey, art + some more art, trashy fashion, drunken and freelance photography, shitty beer, dress-up, pitt bulls, temporary shark tattoos, coffee, fine wines, & the good life. aka mansions.
people with mansions and/or hot tubs. people with tents. people with "connections" to rich, gay, art-buyers. not to sound desperate.
whatever ariel puts on my ipod for me.
the misfits, hairspray, royal tenenbaums, how to marry a millionaire, by hook or by crook, vegas in space, the departed.
the dog whisperer & iron chef.
jeffery steingarten, valerie solanas, augusten burroughs, primo levi, james baldwin, david sedaris, alice walker... beautiful photography magazines that cost way too much like wad, contact sheet, and big. my newest and most exciting photo books are 'big up' by ben watts and 'kustom' by dewey nicks.
i'm not sure i really know what a hero is, not to get all deep or nothing... maybe cesar milan.