vulgar, obvious, and full of pizazz
politic, cautious, and meticulous
My dogs, homework, american history, music, piano and cello playing, Nova, Benjamin Franklin, opera, postsecret, floating docks, newcastle, thai food, books, toothpaste for dinner, new friends, old friends, racquetball, softball, bicycling, running, crossword puzzles, cold beers in hot showers, supporting my friends...
quirky, brainy, neurotic, idealistic people. and their dogs.
i like it.
tombstone. office space.
love. Hugo, Sedaris, King, Rice, Garcia-Marquez, Winterson, Steinbeck, Heinlein, Burroughs, Rand, Orwell, Miller, Wolfe, Tolkien, Rowling, Maquire, Franklin, Sinclair, Palahniuk, Lawrence, Buck, Irving, vonnegut, Kerouac, Hesse, Sartre, Welsh, Eggers, etc...
are for suckers!