I always wanted to be bulimic but I don't have a gag reflex. You can be skinny or give good head; never both.
I am a strong black woman.
[email protected]
I always wanted to be bulimic but I don't have a gag reflex. You can be skinny or give good head; never both.
I am a strong black woman.
Thin people. Sexual anorexics. Boys who wear heels. Girls who wear heels. Cat people. People who spend more than they make. Churchgoers. The nouveau pauvre. People who justify lying. Travellers. Thinkers. Winkers. Shopaholics. The avant-garde and the kitsch. REALLY thin people. People who make ME feel thin. Trannies. Trannies in training. The self-actualized. Artists (but not starving). Foreigners. Log Cabin Republicans. Fag Hags. Fag Stags. Fruit Flies. Preppies. Black women. Asian men. Dancers. Heir apparents. Raconteurs.
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