GANGSTA GRAPHICS profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Gangsta Graphics is a very professional graphics design company out of Detroit, MI. I specialize in Cartoon Vectors, Myspace Profiles, CD Covers, Logos and much much more . I am very proud of my work and love to show it off so you can rest asure that I will never rush threw a job no matter the size or cost of the project I take great pride in what I do. If you would like to discuss me doing a project for you feel free to send me a message and I will get back to you ASAP but please try to understand that I am only 1 person and some times get very busy.
Frequently asked questions:
Do you charge? Yes you will not find many good graphics designers that will work for free, Some times it can be a long stressful process.
How much do you charge? There is no set price every project is different and will be set based on what you want.
If I want a Cartoon CD Cover will I get it at the price of just a CD Cover? No you will be charged for a CD Cover as well as a Cartoon Vector.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I cant send messasges from my (Ghostly Designs ) Account so please send any messages to my other account

Bryan Stepp (The Movement Magazine)

in my top 24' I have tried to get back with everyone but realized that the messages aint getting read so i sent one to my other account and it never came through thanks


Cartoon Vectors is what im best at but I also do, CD Covers, Flyers, Advertisements, DVD Covers and Much Much More!!!

Ive Done Work for people such as Big Proof(R.I.P.), Hash, Hush, Miz Korona, Purple Gangs Young Famous & T-Flame, Paradime, Chief, Bobby Creekwater (Shady Rec.), Marv Won(Fat Killahz) And many many more .Also I am 1/2 Owner And Complete Designer of "The Movement Magazine" Formally Known as "Detroit Rock City Magazine"

If you are looking to have any work done please feel free to contact me VIA-Myspace message and I will Contact you A.S.A.P! Thank you for taking the time to read this Bryan Stepp President/CEO Ghostly Designs

MESSAGE Hit Me The Fuck Up! ¥ ADD Best Add Yet! ¥ PICTURES Peep The Pics... ¥ ADD COMMENT Add Comment ~ Advertise ¥ VIEW COMMENTS View Other Peeps Shit ¥ FRIENDS Mad Love For All My Myspace Family ¥" /
MySpace Profiles Ive Created


CARTOONS:$30.00 - FLYERS:$30.00 - LOGO:$15.00 - CD COVER:$25.00 - 2 SIDED CD COVER:$50.00
