I'd like to meet:
Want some hot graphics done? Need a layout? Scroll all the way down towards the end of this section for more information! :)
»COMMENTS with the following may get you BLOCKED from this profile: -promoting websites or music myspaces, -telling me to comment/pic comment you, -application invites, and -SPAM. it's VERY annoying!
yo' yo' yo'! my name be asia sucka! :) but some peeps know me as asieypuffz, asieypoo, asiey barbie, a-shizzle nizzle, asian salad, etc. i "LOL" at almost everything...hahaa. i'm 17, and i'll be an official adult on february 9, 2009 babyy! i LOVE to talk...a lot. so if you don't like listenin' 2 a mouthful, then we may not get along too well :/ (LOL). but i get along with everyone though! i can be L O U D. music, art, and GRAPHIC DESIGNING are my ADDICTIONS! i am a VERY silly/goofy/sarcastic kind of person, and absolutely ♥ anyone who has a strong sense of humor, and can make me laugh till it hurts! i've been told that i can have a "badass" attitude, but it's unintentional! i smile constantly. little shy at first, but will instantly open up to ya if there's a connection! i don't take no ISH! so watch ya mouth sucka. :) have a terrible memory, i know i have long-term memory loss (LOL). i freakin' LOVE pink like no other! i'm completely random, and love to act a foo! i always make sure to try my best at anything i do. that's a very important aspect maaaaan! errrr....a fast driver behind the wheel, i'll admit it. hahaha. but i'll get ya to where you gotta go in a heartbeat! unfortunately, i got that "LAZY" disease, son. and i love me some food! OH! and i ♥ me some sleep! can't get by without that....and i mean EXCESSIVE sleep. hahaha. me and my moms got this weird-ass "LOVE-HATE" relationship. it's really hilarious, LOL. we fight and joke daily like it ain't nothin'. but we DO got each other's back no matta what...so don't get it twisted nugga! i made this page, and yes....i am admittedly a MySpace addict. i ain't afraid to say it foo (errybody knows this...hahaa). annnnd....that's pretty much a summary of me, message me if ya want some more info! ...now enjoy my page got yammit and have a bless-ED ASS day! ♥--------------i LOVE these freakin' shows! especially MARTIN. ain't a day go by in my house we don't watch Martin reruns 3 times a day on TV One baby! LOL! it's DAMN funny!
i have more, but i'll list 'em later. i'm 2 "lazy" right now. LOL.
first things first! here are some regulations and things to know when requesting graphic commissions:»graphics are not, and i repeat, NOT free! please be aware that when you ask me for any type of graphic, it is assumed that you are aware that i do in fact charge for my services. this is very important, because graphics take up a lot of my time, and it should not be taken for granted.
»serious inquiries only please!
»FULL detail. it's a lot easier letting me know everything you'd like all in one message, instead of going back and forth. i've provided a form that you can copy and paste and send to my e-mail (listed below), so make sure you fill that out ;)
»if sending me personal pictures for graphics: the higher quality and bigger your pics are, the better the end product comes out to be! pictures that are smaller, fuzzy, blurry, over exposed to light, etc. aren't the best to work with in my opinion, so i suggest sending me pictures that are as high quality and big as you can make them to be, so the end result of your graphics can look their best. :)
»PAYMENT COMES FIRST. understand that i do require payment transactions to be completed before any work begins. currently, i'm taking payment only through PayPal (visit Paypal.com for more information). when you send me all details of what you would like on your graphic(s), a personal invoice will be sent to your e-mail from me in order to confirm what you are paying for. from there, you pay through PayPal. when it is received, i will send you an e-mail message back letting you know that i have received the money and begin on your commission.
»please understand that i am only ONE PERSON, and i am doing all these graphics by myself. i am still a senior in high school, so do not expect for your graphics to be done the next day. i have other commissions to do as well, and it may sometimes take a while for graphics to get completed. and i do request that no messages are sent to me asking, "where are my graphics," or, "when are you going to be finished". if this occurs i will not respond, and if it is a consistent problem, your money may be refunded back and i will forfeit any future work on your commission.
»if you have a question, don't be afraid to ask! i'm available most of the time, so if you have any questions or concerns, i am here!
E-MAIL ME at: asieybarbie@yahoo.com
a basic mypsace layout.
»REGULAR STYLE LAYOUT (music page) - $40+
basic music myspace layout, includes complementary custom banner at the top!
DIV layer styled myspace layout (like how mine currently is). includes up to three sections to fill up with your personal content. extra sections costs $5 each.
photo re-touching, nasty blemish removing, photo lightening, and all that good stuff! ♥
graphic picture designing (my fav. LOL).
2 pictures of your choice "blended" together. extra pictures are $10 each!
need to promote yourself? i got ya! :)
add color to your bland, boring, grayscaled pics!
»LOGOS - $40
get a custom logo that suits YOUR style!
...and now that you've been over prices, COPY & PASTE the following information below, fill it out, and send it on over to me by e-mail! :)
DETAILS (include ALL colors, text, etc. wanted):
ANY PICTURES?: what i think YOU should do is watch some of these videos! LOL: