Hikeing, Traveling, Music,Art,liveing life to the fullest being happy!Helping someone that is willing to help themselfs first.I love learning and growing ,having fun.love debates, drum circles, rainbow gatherings, shoping !, coffee shops .cafes.bead shops, concerts , musuems, road trips for sure !
someone that is loveing life smileing and can be true to themselfs and to everyone around them.and god !.. Copied from MySpace.com --
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
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moe,grateful dead, sniker pimps, ben harper,dead can dance, phish,rave,Tori amos,Bjork,Doors,Pink floyd,Minstry,Moby,Korn,Fugees,Coldplay,Bobmarley,I love music have been a drummer for 10 years. I love all music!!!massive attack , cut throat, dirty johns , primus,less claypool is sick ! perfect circle,crue, the smiths ,i could go on forever it feels like , music rocks !~
pulp fiction,doors,pink floyd, pretty in pink, goonies,Big,forest gump,Sixteen candles,KillBill,Cronicals of Narnina fear loving in vegas, natural born killers , half baked , friday all time old school favorite ! The gift with janes addiction yu should watch that flik old one! good luck to finding it if yu do let me know pleasse!
Friends,Music Chanels if anything is GOOD ON!MOVIES MORE SO THEN T.V.HBO sex in the city
Astrolgy, Herbs,New age books,history, high times! I guess you could say a little bit of everything.
God and Goddess and my family and friends