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Celebrate Your Uniqueness. You are an AMAZING and beautiful MIRACLE!!!

About Me

One person amongst billions.
What can one person do?
The sheer statistics of it are mind boggling.
One in over 6 billion.
But statistics show another possibility, as well.
Say one person affects two in one day,
Then those two affect four,
And those four eight.
Keep this up for 31 days,
and there will be 1,497,244,448 people affected;
That's approximately ¼ of the worlds population!!!
In just 31 days!!!!
And it all starts with one person.
So next time you think or hear someone say
"What can one person do?"
you know what to say…..
become that one and see.


"Breast Cancer Deception"

My Interests

Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

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I'd like to meet:




I love lots of music, especially: Mozart, Beethoven, Spanish-language music such as Luis Miguel, Chayenne, Julio Iglesias, Roberto Poveda, Bob Marley, John Anderson, y mucho mas.


Please visit to purchase the DVD. Please sign up as volunteer, register for email alerts and tell your family, friends and neighbors about this groundbreaking movie. The Corporation - Part 1
This is an excellent explanation of how and why we got where we are today: a country ruled by its largest corporations! It's well worth the time to watch and I hope, if you can, you will respond to the creators' pleas for donations, too. Thank you! TerrorStorm (Alex Jones)
Alex Jones' latest film covers in detail the proven history of government sponsored terrorism, and focuses on the 7/7 London bombings and 9/11.My all-time favorite movies include What the Bleep Do We Know?!" (watch it on my blog or buy it on DVD at, It's a Wonderful Life (the 1940's classic, directed by Frank Capra and starring James Stewart), The Secret (watch it in my blog "you are what you think," Humanity Ascending by Barbara Marx Hubbard & many more


Free Speech TV (, Link TV ( & PBS. For radio, Pacifica Network is the best!!! KPFK 90.7 in Los Angeles. Listen online:


Ernest Holmes, Dr. John Demartini, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and many more along the lines of "change your thinking, change your life". Anything by: Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, Arundahti Roy and many more promoting "we can do so much better with our society!"
"We live in a beautiful country. But men who have no respect for human life, freedom, or justice have taken it over. It is now up to all of us to take it back."
-Howard Zinn


My heroes include all of my beautiful children & grandchildren... our families... all who came before us... & you, too! Every one of us is amazing and has so much to contribute!
Some of my favorite role models include Gandhi, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Schweitzer, Mother Teresa, Jane Goodall, and so many more.

Ignorance Isn't Bliss - They Want Your Soul

My Blog

Allow me to SAVE you $$$ when you travel or do other fun things!

Travel like a PRO! NEVER PAY FULL PRICE AGAIN! BOOK ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS ONLINE AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES! I just opened an Online Travel Agency and you're invited to save money on your trave...
Posted by Susan on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 04:25:00 PST

Kucinich Presents 35 Articles Of Impeachment Against Bush Hooray, Dennis Kucinich!!! Better late than never, eh? If only all our representatives were as honest and as enlightened as Dennis!...
Posted by Susan on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 02:06:00 PST

Letter from Dennis Kucinich

A Quest for Integrity Dear Friends, I am on a quest for integrity in Washington this week. The Democratic leadership plan to continue the war in Iraq by supporting yet another appropriations bill that...
Posted by Susan on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 12:33:00 PST

Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley

Many thanks to: See beautiful photos on the website from which this is taken: Wilson A. Bentley The Snowflake Man "Under the microscope, I found that snowf...
Posted by Susan on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 02:22:00 PST