I do like all about art, music, painting, acting, photografy
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Michelle, she is from the UK, actually we have almost everything in common, id love to live closer, but in two years we are going to live in the US together in the same flat. She is the best friend ive ever had, i love her so much, she is so sweet. She is my sister. And im going to visit her this summer!!!Kat, shes incredibly sweet! like an angel. one day wen i move to america, i have to meet her. i love her so much, =] and she composes sons too!! shes damn cool!!! She is my big sister. A little angel.Katelyn. She is just one of my best friends, always write me comments to my pics, adn everytime she does, she makes me happy, thank u doll!! ur amazing, keep rockin , i love u! =] oh and she has an amazing taste in music. shes an angel too.Nicole Richie, cos her style inspires me so many times, id love to be like her, she is so pretty, and her brunette hair makes her face look so cute. I would go shopping with her.Hannah, shes so sweet, i just met her a few weeks ago here on my space, but shes so sweet, ah i love having friends like this! im just so happy. this girl is adorable and awsome.Courtney Love, cos she is a great singer, i love her style, she is another girl that inspires me, there arent any other words to express how she is, she is just Courtney, a heroe!Maddie, she is from California, she is so sweet, id love to meet her cos she is such an amazing girl, her style is so cool. She rocks!!!! Her pictures inspire me too. You rock girl!!!!! Lauren. This girl is so sweet too, i hope i can meet her one day too, cos she is a good girl u can trust! i love u too sweetie!Whitney, i love this girl too, she is so cool and i love her style. also so sweet! Shes such a sweet so good friend.Hannah, shes so sweet, i just met her a few weeks ago here on my space, but shes so sweet, ah i love having friends like this! im just so happy. this girl is adorable and awsome.Britney, i met her a week ago or so, but shes so sweet too, an angel. i love her! shes adorable.
The Doors, Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, The Beatles, Petula Clark, Oasis, The Sounds, Hole, Juliette and the licks...
Ghost Worl; One Flew Over The Cuckoo..s Nest(Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco); Cockwork Orange(La Naranja Mecánica); Party Monster; Quadrophenia; Donnie Darko; Butterfly Effect(El Efecto Mariposa); Girl Interrupted(Inocencia Interrumpida).
Family Guy, South Park, SpongeBob Squarepants, Futurama, Seinfeld, American Dad.
On The Road "Jack Kerouac", La Inteligencia Fracasada "Marina".
Who is a heroe? do they really exist? i would call a heroe someone that has done something important for someone else, maybe for the whole world, maybe not. its up to ur mind, your mom could be a heroe for having given you birth, or both of your parents for having taken care of you for all of these years, even one of your best friends, for supporting you day by day. there is no rule that says what a real heroe is like... So what do we call a heroe then? I have a heroe...but i wont say a word cos then that person would not be heroe. I made up a heroe, he was wearing a man suit, carrying all the pain inside for years, but never told anyone and kept walkin his own way. And he found his way...