the sound of antique bells...the sounds in sea shells....the sound of broken glass and mirrors....or nails on a chalkboard....the sounds of old type writers....and little chirping bird in the morning...the sound of people sneaking around...mermaids...magik...water crystals...chladni figures....the inner ear....spirals...nibiru....annunaki....nephilum...lost citys and old ruins....catacombs....sea monsters and giant skeletons...weird fish found after tsunamis...crop circles....geometrys.....pyramids....bermuda triangle...the stones of baalbek...unexplainable mossy things...mushrooms...shining my gold tooth...looking in the mirror shapeshifting all the while....lepracahns...goblins...fairys unicorns dragons...ivy...roses...poppies...pussywillows...violets..po intsettas...belladonna..the smells of sex.....gardening ...sewing... reading.. hiking ...playing music on my accordion...toy piano...victorian pump organ....melodica...musiccal saw....lucid dreaming astral travle...out ov body expeirence.....being alone..loving ...sensuality....erotic exploration.....pushing bounderies.....drawing lines for myself and then walking right over them...unlearning what ive learned...studys in servival skills....edible death......observing death...perpetual fiction fantasy....bisexual men and women.....making jewlry..leather crafting using old found leather and hounoring the animal from which the leather came...and also my interests are always morphing changing gowing....etc...etc...
to much explanation...
ug! ug!
to many to relate lotts of sci fi and fantasy, and survival skills books....etc., etc.
persephone...bast....sekhmet....isis....ishtar...ninhursaug. sisters....ancient lemurians....and alot of others that are my little secret