My beautiful girlfriend Julie, I love you baby!!! Good Music(not that crap they play on the radio), Visionary Art(Kris D, Alex Grey, Oliver Vernon, Luke Brown, J Garcia, Roman Villigrana, Mark Henson, Andrew Gonzales, Martina Hoffman, Des10, David Hale to name a few of my favorites) Sick Wire Wraps(J and K Designs is what I rock, but Im really into the whole medium. Some of the Coolest Jewelry ever made.), Acquiring esoteric knowledge, Sacred Geometry, Flower of Life, Tree of Life, Metatrons Cube, Attempting to discover and understand the mysteries of the Universe. Merkaba, Exploring and elevating Consciousness, doing my best to be a point of positive energy in the Universe. The Sickly Sticky Icky Greeness.
Alex Grey, Luke Brown, Stephan Colbert, Jon Stewart, Thoth, Enoch, Metatron, Bob Frissell, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Kris D, J Garcia, David Icke, William Bramley, Terrance McKenna, Maynard Keenan, Alex Jones, anyone with an open mind that seeks truth.
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Sound Tribe Sector 9, Tea Leaf Green, Aesop Rock, Santa Cruz Hemp Allstars, Mr. Lif, Pnuma Trio, Soldiers of Jah Army, Eyedea and Abilities, Tool, A Perfect Circle, DJ Shadow, Anything with Steve Kimock, DJ Williams Projekt, Xavier Rudd, Cat Empire, MF Doom, Danger Doom, Gnarls Barkley, Atmosphere, Blackalicous, J5, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Dub Concious, Del The Funky Homosapien, Hieroglyphics, Derek Trucks, Cut Chemist, The Flaming Lips, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Johnny Cash, Grateful Dead, JGB, Bela Fleck, Karl Denson, Kellar Williams, Anything with Les Claypool, Matisyahu, Prefuse 73, Tenacious D, and Ween to name a few
There are so many, I dont not only know where to start, I dont think Id be able to name em all here. I dont like shit movies. And alot of the movies that come out are shit movies. Most of em are actually. I Like Tarantino, Robert Rodriquez, Darren Arronofsky, Kevin Smith, M. Night Symalan, Michel Gondry, Charlie Koffman, Stanley Kubrick, Eli Roth, Sam Raimi, and Peter Jackson to name a few directors/writers.
South Park, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica, Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, The Wire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Carnivale, Entourage, Mythbusters
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life vol. 1 & 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Gods of Eden by William Bramley
Jesus goes to Hollywood by William Bramley
The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin
Genesis Revisited by Zecharia Sitchin
Tales from The Time Loop by David Icke
The Otherland Series by Tad Williams
The Foundation Series by Issac Asimov
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln
Nothing in this Book is True, but Its exactly how things are by Bob Frissell
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science by Michael S. Schneider
Hyperspace by Michio Kaku
The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
The Universe Next Door by Marcus Chown
(theres plenty more but thats all I can think of right now)
Anyone who has the courage to question the reality that we have been presented.