CYCLIC profile picture


Energy and Evolution

About Me

Cyclic was a great underground Breakbeat night with some great guests...Baobinga, Ken Evil, Rufmouth, Lost Property, DJ Sumo, Rich Reason, Witchdoktor, U-Basstard plus residents Mono, Longshot and Paul Hibbert, and Eefee and Popeye on visuals (for more info check the Cyclic blog). Thanks to everyone who played and top friends and regulars who made the night and made me realise that putting a night on is much more than just dj-ing at your own night. I'm concentrating on other projects now. Making music and www.myspace/plutonicmanchester - Various mixes (Breakbeat and Electro-breaks) available for free download from - Plutonic - a night about delving into the creative psyche with live electronic performance and good electro breakbeat and techno. Oh, and learning as much as I can about what it's all about. You know. Read the section on the left......


My Interests

Scroll to the 5th video down if you want to stop it playing so you can sample some of the other many wonders on this's what I wrote when I first set up this page...The closest thing to truth that we can perceive as human beings is silence. Silence and nothingness. Upon this we create our own picture of the truth with words. But words lead to confusion, delusion and illusion. They allow us to rationalise the truth. They allow us to communicate. Words and language are incredible human inventions. But they are human inventions. The truth was around before us and will be after we have exited existence. Sound and silence existed before us and will continue existing after us. With sound, especially music, we are able to paint deeper reflections of ourselves upon the truth. We are able to attach ourselves to it much more closely. Likewise with colour. As long as light and matter exist, colour exists. For human perception anyway. All the colours of the rainbow, also, were there before us and will continue after us. Cyclic is a combination of colour and sound that reaches for the truth(alright, a bit over the top but it's good to have ideals). The endless human persuit for truth and understanding grows everyday with more knowledge, more ideas, more theories, more thoughts, more art, more conflict. The beauty of it all is not for us to understand. We are priveliged to be observers and thinkers in this huge thing I can only term simply as existance, our minds the centre of the universe from each of our own points of view. And because of this vastness there is always more to explore. And the fact that there is no way of proving our own understandings against the truth other than a faith in our own individual understandings we can can never know anything other than by coincidence. This coincidence, of course, cannot be proved. All I can say is that, with my own faith and understanding, something greater than us DEFINATELY EXISTS. So I'm just saying that God exists, however you choose to perceive God (and I never again wish to refer to the truth as a he. The notion that God is human has been at the heart of many of our problems as a race. We live in a male dominated society. Woman was degraded by man over time due to her appparent more divine postion through having the ability to give birth - the power to create life. We've been conditioned to accept this patriachal society but it is my belief that to achieve a greater society, a greater humanity, we must have a greater harmony between the sexes, both within and without). When I say greater I mean something greater than we can understand. We are a part of that which is 'greater'...a physical manifestation of the creator, the energy, the source from which everything flows. The source is inherent in all. It is all. Thus the cycle of life - like the water cycle which emanates from somewhere, and everywhere and flows, transforming (liquid, gas, solid) in order to continue its journey. Energy into energy.So agree with me if you're reading along the same lines as me (and check Theosophy(not the only thing to check out of course) while you're in the mood) and disagree with me if you're agnostic (think a bit more), atheist (another form of belief) or deeply rooted in a religion and don't agree with a generalisation of existance and the impossibility of humans understanding the infinite (I respect all religions and believe that they are, on the whole, good, but contorted by language, time and dark influences).But we're all in this together, humans, birds, flies and squirrels. It's just that humans have human we are special...but not special enough to live as long as the dinosaurs(probably, maybe...who knows? Nobody, that's who).I just believe that sound is another dimension that we can perceive. In a club it fills the air and connects everybody. Ecstacy is popular because it allows the individual to connect more closely with this dimension...a euphoric connection with a part of the truth behind humanity that the individual on ecstacy cannot describe in words...just feel. Emotions are real. They are part of who we are and when we feel this strong connection with our own kind it takes us to a higher state of conciousness. I'm not suggesting that we take pills everyday. Dance music can take us to those places anyway. The beat of the drum hitting that moment that is now and connecting with our life force...our hearts. Drugs are interesting but not necessary and as an addiction can be very dangerous. You don't need to take acid to experience the infinite wonders of your own natural mind. Even though I am a great music lover it is most true that silence is golden. Silence is special. Before sound there was silence. But I have to say Breakbeat music is so interesting and exciting. The sounds that can be put around the beats are long may we experiment with sound!

I'd like to meet:

This guy! True legend, comedy genius and truth-seeker...
Lots of interesting people. This is the main cause of this page now. I would like Manchester nights to connect more. Art and music. The stronger the connections, the stronger the whole. Good people connecting....Here on Myspace I come across very good pages and see how they can be places of discovery with portals to other knowledge and good myspaces. I want this page to be allow the reader the opportunity to find out vital information if they are looking for it. If you're looking for it, you'll find it here on the internet. So if you're interested in learning more, disentangling the misinformation and bad culture you have been brought up with and what's really going on you're in the right place.Plus whoever made this, human or ???


Breaks labels---in no particular order:Fusetrax, 777, Mob, Drum and Music, Rag and Bone, Satamile, Fingerlickin, Rat, Hardcore Beats, Botchit, Streetwise, Marine Parade, Bow Wow, Bassrock, Moneyshot, Menu, Air, Passenger, Kracktronic, Cyberfunk, Supercharged, Against The Grain, TCR, LOT49, Lab Rok, Lab Rat Audio Chemicals, Monotone, 10 Kilo, Hussle and Bussle, Hot Flush, Bingo Beats, Bless, Shadow Cryptic, Bass Invaders, Selectabreaks, Broke, Fat, Full Tilt, Kilowatt, Boombox, Planet Mu....on and on


This really good...Immortal Technique

Quantum Energy and our existence


CURRENT MOON about the moon

My Blog

Michael Tsarion - human encyclopedia

/> ...
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:08:00 PST

So What Do You Believe?

SO do you believe in other dimensions and out of this world life forms beaming down in their space-ships looking around and sighing at the state of this particular galactic species? Maybe this is the ...
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:19:00 PST

George Green - The Big Picture (a must-watch for the aware)

Posted by CYCLIC on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:54:00 PST

2012 vids

*The 2012 Enigma* by David Wilcock .....
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:25:00 PST

Esoteric Agenda video

/> ...
Posted by CYCLIC on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 12:45:00 PST

Meditation and consciousness etc. David Lynch, John Hagelin, Fred Travis

The inside story on transcending the brain, with David Lynch, Award-winning film director of Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Mullholland Drive, Inland Empire (filming); John Hagelin, Ph.D., Quantum physicist...
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:58:00 PST

What is perception? So what we sense isn't necessarily real as what we sense are electrical signals for...
Posted by CYCLIC on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 08:02:00 PST

Fluoride - a video + Mono808 link

Here's a video presented by a very friendly doctor. I believe that water has more fluoride in the U.S. than over here in the U.K. and other European countries but since finding out about it I don't un...
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:35:00 PST

Michael Tsarion video - Listen to this man!

Posted by CYCLIC on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:17:00 PST

Idealists = Realists?

This war on ’terra’ rubbish is mentioned everyday. Everyday we are reminded of 9/11 - how come I just realised that? - 911 - American emergency number! That only took the best part of 7 ye...
Posted by CYCLIC on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:52:00 PST