I like standing by my cauldron all day, then totally flipping out. I spend my most of my time as a "whithered, corpse like being" but when I flip out I go: "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the ever-living!" and all my bandages come off. Crazy... width="425" height="350" ..
I'd like to meet other people who want to get those damn Thundercats.
I love the Thundercats theme, if you listen, you can hear me flip out.
Ferris Beaullers day off. Cos I need a day off sometimes, I can relate. All this flipping out and scheming man, makes me wanna like, totally flip out.
I like watching Vets in Practice, cos it gives me a good idea of how to take out cats. Otherwise I totally dog heartbeat. Always helps me relax.
Enid blyton, and Jaqueline Wilson are my favorites. I particularly like Peter Rabbit, the scamp. Always pissing of the fucking farmer. I can relate.
Its got to be King Tut. I was his cat back in the day.