Voltron, Defender of the Universe profile picture

Voltron, Defender of the Universe

Activate Interlock...Dynotherms Connected...Megathrusters are go!

About Me

From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend. The legend of Voltron, Defender of the Universe. A mighty robot, loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. On planet Earth, a galaxy alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of the solar system, they maintained peace throughout the universe. Until a new horrible menace threatened the galaxy. Voltron was needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers, specially trained and sent by the alliance to bring back... Voltron, Defender of the Universe!
My power comes from robot lions piloted by Commander Keith, Princess Allura, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge- the Voltron Force!
Our enemies include: Prince Lotor, King Zarkon, Hagar, and her many robot minions from Planet Doom.
A Voltron fan site featuring fan works, media files, info, ep guides and more for both classic Lion and Vehicle Voltrons.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Being defender of the universe, fencing, classical humanities, lions, guitar

I'd like to meet:

Single, sexy robots looking for a good time with a blazing sword.


The Voltron Theme Song, Face Melting Metal


The Voltron Movie! Coming soon to a theater near you!


Voltron, Thundercats, Speed Racer, Alvin and the Chipmunks, DuckTales, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Fraggle Rock, He-man and the Masters of the Universe, Batman, Spider-man, Inspector Gadget, The Moomins, Sailor Moon, Muppet Babies, Robotech, The Smurfs, The Wuzzles


Voltron the Autobiography....it's in the works, How to Survive a Robot Takeover, Giant Lion Robots are from Arus Demonically Summoned Monsters are from Planet Doom

My Blog

Pharrell Williams to do Music for Voltron Movie

Many of you have been concerned that the Voltron movie may be on the backburner but we're still cookin'! Here's an article about the music for the movie. The Voltron movie is slated for 2008 and is be...
Posted by Voltron, Defender of the Universe on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 03:01:00 PST

On the topic of being served...

Press Release:I know many of you have had questions concerning the video which is circling around the internet, and its alleged "Servage" of said robot, "Voltron." Frankly, the explanation is simple a...
Posted by Voltron, Defender of the Universe on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 03:00:00 PST

Voltron Movie

As most of you probably already know I'm busy working on my big movie. http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=filmNews &storyID=2005-07-26T053034Z_01_N2674088_RTRIDST_0_FILM-V OLTRON-DC...
Posted by Voltron, Defender of the Universe on Sat, 20 Aug 2005 09:17:00 PST

Voltron is Busy Protecting the Universe

Hello humans and other friendly beings of the Universe. Voltron is very busy right now but is still adding new friends and reading comments. I may not be thanking you all for your friendship. If you...
Posted by Voltron, Defender of the Universe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST