Maxine Michaels profile picture

Maxine Michaels

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

It's always about you, me and the music...

My Interests

Love shopping and decorating my new home, gardening, scented candles, incense, oils give me peace and comfort, flowing water (rivers, lakes, oceans flowing streams and bath water) allow me to relax and reflect, reading, collecting art and traveling are at the top of my list of favorite things.

I'd like to meet:

The man of my soulmate and life partner, do you know him????


Since I can remember music has always been playing inside my head. Whether it's a happy tune, a sad song or a cool instrumental I am always humming or singing along! I am a walking book of music trivia and information. And while I am a lover of all genres of music I am especially a lover of all things jazzy.Then there're the stints at a number of Detroit area radio stations as an on-air talent; the list includes WMXD Mix 92.3, WVMV Smooth Jazz V98.7, WGPR 107.5, Motor City Casino Radio Bar. My radio experience also includes WQBH as a ghost writer for Martha Jean The Queen Steinberg and midday news anchor, Metro Traffic reporter, AAA Traffic Broadcasting, WWJ-news writer/producer, WDZZ-Flint, WDET-Reader to the blind program (I love studio air).


My all time favorites include the Godfather Pt 1&2, The Color Purple, A Bronx Tale, Harlem Nights, Forest Gump and many others.


As little TV as possible but when I do watch the tube it's mainly HGTV, entertainment programs, comedy and best of all I enjoy professional boxing matches


1: The 7-Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey 2: Think And Grow Rich (A Black Choice), Dennis Kimbro & Napoleon Hill 3: The Rules (Time Tested Secrets For Capturing The Heart Of Mr. Right), Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider


God first...and my mom takes the number two spot!