Music, Sports (B-ball, football), guitars, keyboards, noisemakers of any kind. Modern politics. I love to be entertained. Period. And sometimes entertain! Burning shit. Oh yeah, and pushing people's buttons because it's so easy and usually worth it, ...
nice people, or anyone who is willing to help facilitate my plan for world domination. This means you, sucker....And Talia Shire...before those damn ROCKY movies.
Shudder To Think, Channels, Lungfish, Mathematicians, Skeleton Key, ENON, Ted Leo and RX, Craig Wedren, Jawbox, Firewater, Wrens, Gold Chains, Dismemberment Plan, Circus Lupus, Tori Amos, The Evens, Fugazi, Joan Of Arc, Owls, Make Believe, Drive Like Jehu, Hot Snakes, etc. etc. etc....
"An American Astronaut", "Donnie Darko", "The Secretary", "American Beauty", "Fargo", "Man Bites Dog", "Scotland, PA" , "God Has A Rap Sheet", "Saved", "Instrument" (Fugazi doc.), "The Nasty Girl", "Big Bad Love" The Coen Bros. stuff. Alot of movies suck these days, so when someone gets it right, it is sweet. "An American Astronaut is eveidence of this-what a fucking great, imaginitive movie...with awesome soundtrack by the Billy Nayer Show. Go find it. Oh...and chick flicks. No, seriously. ...
Chapelle, Daily Show, Colbert Report...alot of Comedy Central and ESPN folks. Except Carlos Mencia...he is just not all that funny. Sorry man. And FOX NEWS programming of any kind. I've often said I watch Jon Stewart for the news and Shaun Hannity for the comedy relief. Sad, but true...and that bastard Hannity is NOT trying to be funny...nor is O'Reilly, get the point. Actually, I don't have cable, so I don't watch anything but the occasional football or basketball game. It's for the better....
Lately, all I care to read about is politics. More specifically, wtf has been going on...and how we throw a wrench into the works of a damaged system that has been chewing up our lives...literally. The time is now. And it is critical that WE, the people, do something to stem the tide of tyranny. Mostly just reading alot Alex Jones, Justin Raimondo...anti-war stuff. Because war is an idea constructed by evil men with warped minds. No good has ever sprung forth from war. Kurt Vonnegut, Wiliam Burroughs, Larry Brown, Terrence McKenna, Aldous Huxley, Tim Leary, George Orwell, EE Cummings, Allen Ginsberg, Steven Bernstein, Jeremy Levens...and religious tracts...those death cults just kill me!
Bill Hicks-I still choke up thinking what come to pass if Bill had not passed on so early in what shaping up to be career...dare I say a message, that was so sincere, heartfelt, and absoloutely right. I would like to think that the spirit of Bill stil carries on in the souls of all who have taken the time to be touched by his body of work. I think it does. Ian MacKaye-for consistently doing things in a way that wouldn't be ethically questionable.