Visit www.reshapingrolemodels.orgVISIT THE SITE !!!Glamour Magazine Features Full-Figured Women in May!!!
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Thank you VOGUE! For having 8 full-figured images in your APRIL issue! Including a fashion spread! MOVE YOUR MOUSE OVER IMAGES TO FLIP PAGES!
Cool SlideshowsWomen who will join me in this venture in any way!Images above are from the Love Your Body Day Event held in LA. Reshaping Role Models was there with an informational booth and Chandra walked in the main fashion show event! Love Your Body Day was hosted by the LA Chapter of the National Organization for Women.
This short is a commentary on all the images we see in our society that distort the ideal of beauty and self love!
Visa's New Commercial features a Full Figured Singer.. Check it out!Untitled: Because Beauty is Never FinishedSkorch was recently featured on AM Northwest, reshaping full figured ladies! Reshaping Role Model's LOVES Tyra Bank's Americas Next Top Thick and Sexy Winner MAGGIE! On Oprah this month Rachel said she was inspired by the size 12 M.Monroe when she designs!Kristina Z.. Who I like to call RRM's first supporter!
Watch "Evolution" the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty short.