The MIND, Success, DANCING, Life Style, Spirituallity, Love, phiysical Fitness, Will Power, Strength, Family, Friends, Fashion, DREAMS
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Everything...From Pop to Classic Rock to Soft Rock to HipHop, to R&B, a couple Country Songs, Techno, Etc....
"the legend writ, the stain affected, the key in Silence undetected, fifty five in iron pen, Mr. Matlack cant offend" ~Free Masons (Charlot)~~Everything....Movies is one thing i'm pretty easy to please with.
The Scret To Abundance (2:10)
A Happy Pocket Full of Money, The Attractor Factor, THE SECRET, The Science of Getting Rich, The Success Principles, The 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People, The E-Myth, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Magic of Thinking Big, Think and Grow Rich, Failing Forward, The 8th Habbit,