Todd profile picture


Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver that you believe and stronger that you seem and sma

About Me

36 (on the downward spiral) years old, I have been married for 10 years to my great wife, Christy. We have to canine children, adopted Italian Greyhounds, Zephyr and Flora. My parents live in Colorado, as does my little...younger brother, Trevor. I say younger instead of little because Trevor is 6'8" and 295 LBS.


Posted Sep 29, 2005

Coming this fall, Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall star in a heartwarming story about a family's journey of self-discovery. See it again and again.

You scored as Rupert Giles. You're very wise. Though you've only recently begun thinking about yourself, you're always there to help. Everyone around you holds you in high regard. You've always pulled through.

Rupert Giles


Tara Maclay


Dawn Summers




Buffy Summers


Xander Harris




Willow Rosenberg

Which Buffy The Vampire Slayer Character Are You Most Like!?
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My Interests

Football, hockey, world history, science fiction, books, music, religion, politics, video games.

I'd like to meet:

Kamehameha the Great, unifier of the Hawaiian Islands. The "Napoleon of the Pacific".Napoleon Bonaparte, he was a great leader, the greatest leader in French history and he wasn't even French.Robin Williams, I have always like him as a comedian and a person.Batman, he has been one of my heroes since I was four.Emma, because she is awesome.
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Queen, Van Halen and Van Hagar, Enigma, The Blue Man Group, Bear McCreary, I like soundtracks to movies and believe that in 200 years, John Williams and others will be like Bach, Mozart, etc.


300, Batman Begins, Batman movies (not the last two, but yes on the Tim Burton ones) Star Wars, Star Trek, Kurosawa samurai films, comedies, drama, thriller.


Battlestar Galactica, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, American Idol, Dirty Jobs, Digging for the truth, Mythbusters, The Office, Scrubs, Attack of the Show, Afro Samurai, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report.


I enjoy reading history books (yes on purpose) and science fiction.


Mom, Dad, younger brother Trevor, Kamehameha, Napoleon, Robin Williams, Batman, Emma.

My Blog

Memorial Day

Before you go out to BBQ have a beer and enjoy a three day weekend I would like to say a few words about Memorial Day.  It was when we were living in Denver and I was running to the store to pick...
Posted by Todd on Sun, 27 May 2007 06:33:00 PST

The end of the television season

Well, the fall season is over.  What is sad is that the fall season ended for me in January when Battlestar Galactica ended its season.  What is this January 2008 crap?  Oh well, now to...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:28:00 PST


I know that most of the time I write about things have don't have anything to do with really anything, but this topic is one that no one seen to care about in the government, or in the world, yet it i...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:45:00 PST

Turning 36

Well, my 36th birthday has come and gone.  I had a good time with my wife on Friday, the actually day of my birth, good dinner at Outback.  Christy asked them to sing "Happy Birthday" to me....
Posted by Todd on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:15:00 PST

A question about zombies

O.K., the reason I am asking this is because I have been watching the new "Dawn of the Dead" and listening to a really great book, "World War Z" by Max Brooks.  I read this book last year and lov...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:27:00 PST

I just don't know

I don't know if I should be typing this or not, but since I am I guess that I will continue.  There are a lot of things going on in the world and in my life that I am not happy with.  I have...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:41:00 PST

March 29, 1977

So what happened on this date in history... 1871: Queen Victoria opens the Royal Albert Hall in London1974: The American spacecraft Mariner 10 takes the first close-up photographs of MercuryMarch 29th...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:03:00 PST


I was one of the people who help make 300, $70 Million dollars last week.  Let me say this, it is one of the best films I have seen in a long time.  The director wanted to make the movie as ...
Posted by Todd on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:38:00 PST

The Secret

I am writing this one about a little thing called The Secret.   It is one of those things at come along every couple of years that promise to change the world.  I was made aware of "Th...
Posted by Todd on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:36:00 PST

American Idol Smackdown

So did anyone see American Idol last night and the smackdown that Simon Cowell got from the contestant and Seacrest?  I was watching Simon give his opinion on "Jack Osbourne" (Chris Sligh or some...
Posted by Todd on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST