Football, hockey, world history, science fiction, books, music, religion, politics, video games.
I'd like to meet:
Kamehameha the Great, unifier of the Hawaiian Islands. The "Napoleon of the Pacific".Napoleon Bonaparte, he was a great leader, the greatest leader in French history and he wasn't even French.Robin Williams, I have always like him as a comedian and a person.Batman, he has been one of my heroes since I was four.Emma, because she is awesome.
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Queen, Van Halen and Van Hagar, Enigma, The Blue Man Group, Bear McCreary, I like soundtracks to movies and believe that in 200 years, John Williams and others will be like Bach, Mozart, etc.
300, Batman Begins, Batman movies (not the last two, but yes on the Tim Burton ones) Star Wars, Star Trek, Kurosawa samurai films, comedies, drama, thriller.
Battlestar Galactica, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, American Idol, Dirty Jobs, Digging for the truth, Mythbusters, The Office, Scrubs, Attack of the Show, Afro Samurai, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report.
I enjoy reading history books (yes on purpose) and science fiction.
Mom, Dad, younger brother Trevor, Kamehameha, Napoleon, Robin Williams, Batman, Emma.