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About Me

I have been lucky enough to have achieved most of the things that I have dreamed of. I have worn many hats, model, actor, bass player, costume designer, dancer, playboy bunny and member of, recording engineer, world traveller, publicist, talent manager, mother, travel agent, airline employee, technical writer, animal behavioral consultant and dog obedience trainer. I also enjoy playing in the SCA Middle Kingdom as Lady Lyonette and enjoy period dancing, belly dancing, and the coursing of the hounds.

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WHAT IS YOUR JAPANESE NAME?!?!?! (girls only 24 results!) BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!!!

Your name means.....night rain. You are cold, dark and gentle all in one. You would make a great poet or writer because you have a way with words. great work. keep being creative. Stay away from Aki and Chika. you get along with Kasumi and Usagi.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by .... What kind of mystical creature are you? You are a Vampire. I guess I do not have to explain what kind of creature that is, right? Vampires normally do not look for company of their own kind. They are loners that like to seduce and corrupt humans. They are sarcastic, sly, unbelievably attractive, arrogant and have an amazing sense of style. Contrary to common belief, they can not be defeated with crosses or garlic (well.. in fact you can defeat anyone in the universe if you've had enough garlic for dinner). Direct sunlight is the only effective weapon against them. As everyone knows they are all about sex, blood and rock n roll!!
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My Interests

Animals, music, acting, dancing, SCA, writing, genealogy, history, costuming, and community service.

I'd like to meet:



Classical, blues, rock, heavy metal, punk, new wave, 80's bands, thrash metal, latin, mideastern, and some hip hop. Some of the artists who have influenced me: Tim Bogert, Dave Hull, Charlie Karp, Kenny Aaronsen, Jerry Renino, Chip Anderson, Thomas Trask, Johnny Thunders, Charlie Pip, Ronnie Guy, Rod Stewart, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Stevens, Buz Verno.


Classic hollywood movies, horror movies, sci-fi, and comedies. A few of my faves in no particular order are: Wild in the Streets, Gaslight, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Thin Man, Gore Gore Girls, The Crimson Pirate, Becket, My Favorite Year, The Wind and the Lion, Eye of the Devil, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Schindler's List, A Beautiful Life, Kelly's Heroes, Queen of the Damned, Hammer films especially anything with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, The Mad Room, Swing Kids, Anything with Johnny Depp.


Mostly History channel, Animal Planet (Meerkat Manor), SciFi channel, Dance shows, and Turner Classic Movies.


Too many to name, but I love historical non-fiction, archeology, theology, period costuming books, and books on theatrical makeup techniques. Favorite fiction authors are Anne Rice, Clive Barker, Dean Koontz, and older Stephen King works.


My stepfather...

My Blog

The After Halloween Blues

Ahhh, it's been a long time since I sat down to write. During the month of September I am always busy making costumes for myself, my friends, and the Shadow Asylum haunt. Then in October, I am always ...
Posted by Deborah on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:12:00 PST

A Tribute to Jerry Renino

A Tribute to Jerry Renino by Deborah Gentit (called Diane by Jerry)   Jerry Renino was a talented bass player who came from a long line of show business people.  Having started his career i...
Posted by Deborah on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:44:00 PST

The History of Valentine's Day

One thing that we all know is that there would be no Valentine's Day without Saint Valentinus (Saint Valentine). There are many stories told of the Saint. Some historians say that St. Valentinus ...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:20:00 PST

Living the Lifestyle

Living the Lifestyle   Lived the lifestyle way too well Hamming it up for the paparazzi Keeping my heart to myself The real me, my friends can't see Now, stories that passed as truth Have become...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:59:00 PST

Job Interviews

Have you ever gone through the whole job interview process? Filling out the applications even though your resume includes all of the same information. The textbook questions, followed by the text...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:34:00 PST

Reflections on the Lost of 2006

Reflections on the Lost of 2006     The year 2006 saw the loss of many great musicians and artists associated with the music industry. I have listed some of them here so that we can all refl...
Posted by Deborah on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:14:00 PST

The Joy of Christmas

The tree is up and decorated. The packages are all wrapped and placed under the tree. The stockings are hung and ready for the miraculous filling by Santa. The special treats are all prepared for when...
Posted by Deborah on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:22:00 PST

Daisy's Miracle Is Complete

The results of Daisy's tests at Purdue were astounding. The doctors did an echocardiogram and couldn't believe what they were seeing. They requested all of Daisy's former tests. Now, the doctors&...
Posted by Deborah on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:51:00 PST

The Miracle of Daisy

From the first moment I saw the email requesting help for this little failure to thrive puppy with a heart murmur, and saw that her name was Daisy, my heart stirred. Daisy is also the name of one of m...
Posted by Deborah on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:50:00 PST

Longing for the Outlands

I was so glad to find the SCA was active here when I moved to Terre Haute, but I have to say that the Middle Kingdom is nothing like the Outlands. There is little of the comraderie that could be ...
Posted by Deborah on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 09:15:00 PST