ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester profile picture


Never Forget: 11-18-06

About Me

Q. What is Zombie Attack: Manchester?
A. Some say it is when hordes of the undead rise from their grave and feed upon the brains of the living. Others say it's a bunch of nerds traipsing around downtown Manchester, NH wearing green makeup and pretending they're zombies. Tomatoes, To-mah-toes.
The attack is complete and my lackey, Cap'n Zombiepants, reports that, outside of a vet performing some crazy-guy judo on one of us and an insecure frat-type guy ramming his square head into one unlucky zombie, things went swimmingly. Dinners were interrupted, traffic was stopped, proms were ruined.
Post attack boozing was also a success, stopping by Peking Garden for some Zombies and later stopping in at Strange Brew for Pabst, the official beer of the undead/homeless.
You'll find that we've uploaded a whole gallery of pictures from the attack and there was a metric fuckload of other people with cameras so pictures and video will be flooding in soon enough.
Until the next attack, Admiral Zombieface
Videos of the 2008 Attack
slideshow and video of the attack Zombies invading a prom
the attack from the victim's perspective
If you're looking for a lot of good pictures of the attack make sure you check out Lisa B's profile over here there's a lot of great pictures there and, if you joined in the attack, you're probably in some of 'em.
The Union Leader can't be bothered from their tea and crumpets to sully their good name by covering silly local events, but the Manchester Express will. Thanks to them for mentioning us again this year in this week's current issue. You can view the online PDF right here .
Video of the 2006 attack here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crSwPaZHIhc

My Interests

Brain eating, chess

I'd like to meet:

Our newest zombie brothers and sisters:


You could say we're real Dead-Heads! AHAHAHAHHAHAHA, You see what I did there?! HAHAHA Fuck. Never mind.


Kung Fu From Beyond The Grave, Wild Zero, Dawn of the Dead


CSI, Cold Case Files, anything with Laci Petersen in it.


Anything on phrenology.


Former President Warren G Harding

My Blog

Apparently Boston had a zombie attack yesterday too.

So Boston apparently had a zombie attack yesterday as well as Manchester.  Though our attacks were separate we always support the senseless slaughter of innocents and the subsequent consumption o...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Sun, 25 May 2008 08:38:00 PST

Another attack means more makeup tips

if you already read my bulletin you're not going to find anything new here.  This is just for future reference for anybody who wants to know and/or is too incompetent to do their own google searc...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:11:00 PST

An update, from the Zombie Attack Squad

Greetings!   The Zombie Attack Squad would like to thank all the undead that turned out Saturday and raised holy hell in downtown Manchester. The reactions we got from frightened, concerned, and ...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:19:00 PST

11/19/2006 - Blurb in Nashua Telegraph

Undead liven up Manchester By JENNIFER O'CALLAGHAN, Telegraph Staff Published: Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 MANCHESTER...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 06:55:00 PST


It's a bit late now, but FOOTBALL IS HOMOEROTIC.Go storm the city if you want, this event is bigger than the Zombie Attack Squad.  Go, eat brains, have fun!  You should have been there one m...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:02:00 PST

The Attack Is Nearly Upon Us!

The attack is nearly upon us.  Are you prepared?Well, if you aren't, you still have time (just barely) to order makeup and halloween-type supplies online.  You could try:http://www.spirithal...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:21:00 PST

Tips and Ideas for the Zombie Attack

Less than one month until Manchester, NH faces a large-scale zombie outbreak.   11/18/2006 Normals: Stock up on supplies (food, weapons, ammo) and get your shelter ready. Zombies: If you...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:45:00 PST

Zombie Attack Manchester, FAQ

Ladies and gentlemen, after nearly 48 hours of careful consideration, deliberation, and reflection, here it is: the OFFICIAL Zombie Attack: Manchester Frequently Asked Questions Guide. This should ans...
Posted by ZOMBIE ATTACK: Manchester on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 11:59:00 PST