matt ingram profile picture

matt ingram

well it goes like this the fourth the fifth

About Me

I am Matt Ingram, a musician living in Hackney, East London. I am a drummer who plays the piano, a producer who is learning to be an engineer and a Scorpio who has no time for astrology.
I work with like minded people in the creation of music and have been fortunate enough to collaborate with such talented folk as Jeremy Warmsley, Paloma Faith, Leon Jean Marie, Tallulah Rendall and Nerina Pallot.
The track Push On was recorded with Char Johnson. I am playing drums and piano. If you listen very carefully it is possible to hear me grunting during the intro.
The song Bzhet was written, recorded and performed by me and is the sort of thing that happens when I’m left on my own at the studio with nothing better to do.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/13/2006
Band Members: Others
Influences: Talking Book, Heart Attack and Vine, Selling England by the Pound, Magical Mystery Tour, Original Pirate Material, It's Too Late to Stop Now, Diamonds and Pearls, White Blood Cells, II, Greatest Hits, Rejuvenation, amongst others.
Sounds Like: Organised Noise
Type of Label: None

My Blog

You wouldnt see Matt Damon doing that

I don't like Ben Affleck so I wish he'd stop popping up on my screen to advertise online dating. His career has certainly taken a sharp nosedive after the whole J-Lo thing. Maybe he's online chatting ...
Posted by matt ingram on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 03:58:00 PST

Wax on

I'm sitting at home having just cancelled my weekend plans due to a rather painful and thoroughly irritating bad back. I'm an extraordinarily bad and restless patient so, to keep myself from going com...
Posted by matt ingram on Sun, 18 May 2008 02:55:00 PST

Keeping it real

I've been on a myspace sabbatical for the last few months, preferring to deal with real people, in person, with real emotions rather than those who lurk behind a meticulously calculated digital portra...
Posted by matt ingram on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:28:00 PST

Posh Snow

When I was at school, James Stacpole used to sit in front of me in Latin class, and just to confirm yes I was a posh kid, but only until I was 13 when I went to a comprehensive school and learned swif...
Posted by matt ingram on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:12:00 PST

Urchin Studios

I've a got a studio! HUURRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It's enough to make be frequently shit my pants with excitement.  
Posted by matt ingram on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 06:47:00 PST

Two things....

Firstly, in the football match of musical integrity, the news that the Kooks outsold the Artic Monkeys means the full time score for 2006 is - Marketing - 5 Good Music - 4 And despite being excelle...
Posted by matt ingram on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST

Let's end the debate

I was chatting to friend recently about Prog rock and we ended up trying to define what it actually is. It's funny that five years ago it wasn't even possible to utter the word "progressive" without b...
Posted by matt ingram on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:47:00 PST

Cock Off

I've just come back from the swimming pool where I participated in a New Year Cock Off. For all of you that are unaware of this annual phenomenon, I would like to swiftly establish that despite ...
Posted by matt ingram on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:00:00 PST

Good Shit

I'm currently listening to BBC6 music (which I previously felt was worth my license fee alone) and they are doing one of those Reviews Of The Year. Having invited a list of "experts" to traw...
Posted by matt ingram on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:29:00 PST

Monthly Column

Dear All. I now have a monthly column on Nerina Pallot's website. This can be viewed by going to and clicking on Guest Column....
Posted by matt ingram on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:54:00 PST