Vaudeville, art, and singing. There is not a halloween that has gone by that I havent thrown a grand party for, its the one time of the year we can be truly what we want to be and we wont be judged for it because those who are to weak to do it the other 364 days a year have the benefit of wearing a mask allowing them to go back to church the next sunday without worrying about what other folks knew. I am absolutley mad for anything from past decades. This was Mardi Gras 1907, what a grand day that was. This of course was before smut made a name for itself via this amazing holiday. This also is another holiday I simply refuse to miss. I have a flair for the supernatural the macabre, spooks and ghouls. I love the study of all things with secret meanings metaphors, dreams, hidden truths.The swampy back woods of Louisiana is a place of mystery and intrigue. Its the cool waters of sin that everyone must wade through, but its best just to dive in head first. I love having a grande time and merry making with friends and loved ones. This is a picture I took of Sebastian at a fair in Georgia back in 1906.
Im afraid every bottle worth pouring into my glass is already in my wine cellar. The rest should all be left with their corks firmly in place, not even the most desperate of drunks would dare try a drop. In other words , here is simple words for you simple people, I havent any desire to meet anyone lower than those who meet my standards. I will not be casting my pearls before swine, Ive learned from mistakes, Ive picked up each strand from the mud in the barn yard and are praying someone will take them for the condition they are in. Those who have been dear to me are as follows. My two closest friends, Bruce and Sebastian. Mr. Sebastian Talbot is an angel of a man a sweet hopelessly calm and cordial one from Savannah Georgia not the pages of some womans romance novel contrary to how I described him. And of course there is Bruce, Bruce is the best card Ive been dealt in this poker game hes made it a winning hand. He's made me willing to wager it all again, I assume there is no need to keep a poker face any longer thats good because I cant help but smile. There is beautiful Gloria, thats Mrs. Talbot to all you unfortunate ladies, she is the sweetest little thing you could ever meet. She is what held all of us together the stamp on our envelope that sees to it we make it to our next destination without getting lost in the mailbox. Their adopted son Furello is impossibly naive and a bit on the awkward side I should say though he has absolutely no reason to be. Thankfully he has taken on his adopted mentors greatest attributes but was given natural good looks before hand. Marie Laveau has also been a great attribute to my life, she and I have remained close friends through a number of difficult times most recently hurricane Katrina. She has been the crutch for the weak knee to everyone and everything here in Louisiana, helping maintain a balance to help heal and correct what has been torn or ruined. And last but certainly deserving of this place is dear sweet Adrian, the beanstalk to me Jack. It was planted in hopes of great things and great things it brought but as it grew higher it brought more and more trouble and as it became more of a burden than a benefit I chopped it down seeing the giant on his way to greet us. I still have a soft spot for him, but I cant bring myself to truly care for him any longer. Adam and Eve for being the entrepreneurs of evil, taking the first step in the wrong direction to help guide the way. .. width="425" height="350" ..
Anything I can play on my victrola in the parlor. Especially the old cruners, like Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, and Al Jolson.
I loved the Aviator, Gone With the Wind, and the Man who came to Dinner. They all remind me of things I hold very dear to me. Gone with the Wind, reminds me of the early days I spent here in New Orleans, The Aviator helps me to recall those many months I spent in Hollywood though Hollywood has become a bit like the Roman Colloseum a place once of great beauty and of epic tales of handsome men and gorgeous ladies but now what is left is a hollow shell and fragments to give some truth to the tall tales told today. And the man who Came to Dinner a film Bruce forced me to watch with him at first suddenly became one of my favorites, so many of the characters strike me as people Ive gathered in my life. I also have a passion for older horror films so many of them hark back to our old traditions here in Louisiana.
Lucy thats really about it.
Ive read more books than psychics have read palms, the only future I could predict was whether or not I would read another piece from the same author. Oh now I sound as though I have a crystal ball instead of library, though I think a glass ball on a table is a bit more convenient than a room filled with shelf upon shelf of poorly organized novels. I think in order to make this as brief as I possibly can, I love anything with a smart humor or moving poetry, I have an extreme soft spot for Shakespeare considering I played Romeo several times on the Vaudeville scene. Oh dear Im afraid she read the most frightening of my books, my journal.
I have had but one heroe in my life and she turned out to be the very thing a heroe is meant to save you from I wish not to speak of that.