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So what's it like being Hell's Cutest Demoness Anyway?

About Me

Hmmm let's see, What can I say? Well I live in a very hot place and I've had lots of wild adventures. I spend most of my time hanging out at my friend Kit-Ra's pyramid - it's really cool and so is Kit-Ra. Kit-Ra's my closest friend - we're VERY close. She protects me, teaches me and other stuff too.I'm very friendly and nice. (I guess most demons aren't)I have dark hair, green eyes and I'm pink all over. (really! See my picture)Visit my adults only comic website at SEE STUFF ABOUT MY MOVIE AT:

My Interests

Let's see... I like learning magic, meeting new people, traveling and kissing boys (and girls!)I'm in lots of Comic books Go see them at:

I'd like to meet:

I have lots of other friends like Vampirooni, Shaundra, Cassie, the Sex Squad, Djustine, Treezh, Kit-Ra (of course) Vysette Farak and bunches of others. Maybe you'll be one of my friends too...I'd like to meet Cherry, Doll, Leather Nun Purgatori and Imed. So let them know if you see them!Visit my adults only comic website at SEE STUFF ABOUT MY MOVIE AT:


I LOOVE dancing to most music. I learned about dancing from Vampirooni!Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts


People say my stories remind them of: Lejend Spirited Away Rocky Horror Picture Show Lost Girls Labyrinth Dagaon Hellboy Demon Beast Invasion


Everyone on Earth seems to have a "TeeVee". So I've seen some of "tele-vision" at Cassie's, Vampiroonis & Squirts homes. It seems to be mostly humans trying to sell things to other humans - I think...


I think they have put out about 30 comics with me in them. I have all sorts of weird sexy adventures in Hell and other wild realms. You can see them all at the Carnal Comics Webplace.


My biggest hero is Kit-Ra the ever-purring. She's an egyptian cat goddess who was banished by the other gods a long time ago. Me and Imed got a pardon for her though. You can read about that in one of my comics.

My Blog


THE BIG SECRET IS OUT!  THEY MADE A MOVIE STARRING ME! I've been wanting to tell you all for a looonnngg time and now I can.  A movie starring me and co-starring Vampirooni has been filmed a...
Posted by Demi on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:16:00 PST

What am I REALLY Like?...

The Big Secret RevisitedSooo a bunch of you e-mailed me your guess about My "Big Secret"  and a few of you even figured it out!  So yes it's true.  Oh - what is it?  Well, I S...
Posted by Demi on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 02:42:00 PST

My Big Secret...

Sooo.. like I guess it's been a while since I written anything here.  Mostly casue I've been really busy & stuff.  Plus, computers don't really work in Hell, so I only get to do MySpace ...
Posted by Demi on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:20:00 PST

My Mission for Kit-Ra part 2

Oopsy! I forgot to finish my story!  So here's what happened next...The semi-gods left me some money after I think they had some "fun" with me while I was asleep.  Now, I don't mind that kin...
Posted by Demi on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:11:00 PST

My Mission for Kit-Ra - Part 1

Hey everyone, yeah it's me again.  sorry I haven't written sooner, but I was on a mission for Kit-Ra.  So I figured I'd talk about it this time... So early in the week, Kit-Ra asked if I'd g...
Posted by Demi on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 06:53:00 PST

Still Learning about how to do stuff...

Hi everyone! Yeah it's me.  It's been really neato that so many of you are starting to write me & stuff.  It makes staying in Hell less lonely when Kit-Ra is off visiting the City of the...
Posted by Demi on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 08:07:00 PST

Preparing the pyramid

Me again... Today was busy at the pyramid.  Kit-Ra had a couple of old god-friends coming over to visit, so we had to do a bunch of cleaning & stuff.  Usually Kit-Ra orders some of ...
Posted by Demi on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 03:33:00 PST


Hey everyone, This is my first bloggie thingy, so I just thought I'd say hi.  Hope you are all happy and stuff.  I'll tell you all about my daily life here, when I'm not fighting monsters or...
Posted by Demi on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:08:00 PST