I really love and cherish my mommy.
This Or That...
Night or Day: Night
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Water or Fire: Water
Phones or Email: Phone
Internet or TV: TV
Pens Or Pencils: Pens
Lip Stick or Lip Gloss: Lip Gloss
Walmart or Kmart: Walmart
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Snakes or Spiders: Spiders
Summer or Winter: Summer
Spring or Fall: Fall
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
M&Ms or Skittles: M&MS
Music or Movies: Music
Rap or Country: Rap
Candles or Insense: Candles
Lots of Friends or Few Best Friends: Few Best Friends
Babies or Todlers: Todlers
Paper Cut or Splinter: Paper cut
Parfume/Cologne or Body Spray: Parfume
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain or Snow: Rain
Jessica Simpson or Christina Agulera: Jessica
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Anistan: Angelina
Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter: Neither they suck
Yo-Gi-Oh or Starwars: Neither Not me
Video Games or Board Games: Board
Blush or Glitter: Blush
Long Hair or Short: Long
Nice Guy/Girl or Good Looking Guy/Girl: Good Looking
Love or Money: Love
Broken Heart or Broken Bone: Broken Bone
Movie or Play: Movie
City or Country: City
The Mall or Ebay: Mall
Cars or Trucks: Big Body
Ford or Dodge: Lexus
The OC or Dawsons Creek: OC
Mermaids or Unicorns: Mermaids
School or Work: Work
Silver or Gold: Gold
Christmas or Your Birthday: Christmas
Giving Gifts or Getting Gifts: Both
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger king
Books or Magizines: Both
Forgive or Get Even: Forgive
Paper or Plastic: Plastic
Cash or Credit Cards: Cash
Cookies or Cake: Dont eat sweets
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