Noah Sugarman profile picture

Noah Sugarman

With the lights out this could get dark

About Me

Noah Sugarman hails from the great state of Kentucky where he studied jazz and classical guitar, as well as bluegrass, which is instilled in musicians from that region at a very young age. After 13 years of writing and performing 25 year old Noah Sugarman has created a genre trancending style all to it's own. With melody heavy lyrics from a big rythm and blues voice touching on deep subject matter, rythmic finger picking and beats that keep you guessing. Noah Sugarman's recordings and live shows are truly a sight to hear and see.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/8/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ME
Sounds Like: all kinda stuff
Record Label: Unison Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


For booking information and all related questions please contact: "D.T.M. Management" at: [email protected]  
Posted by Noah Sugarman on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:48:00 PST