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Demise O is an experiment in noodling, improvisational composition, and sound sculpture. No idea is left unexplored, for good or for bad. The compositions on this page were recorded over the past five years, using a Boss BR1180-cd and various noisemakers, drum configurations, guitars, basses and keyboards all utilized by Demise O himself. No animals were harmed in the recordings of Demise O. Demise O talks about himself in the third-person vernacular, undoubtedly annoying the people surrounding Demise O. Demise O hides his identity behind a thin veil of bizarre noises and cryptic humor. Demise O thinks the world would be a better place if people would quit breeding so damn much, thus saving more room for Demise O and his minions. Demise O has two minions and a cup of coffee. Do you like minions with your coffee?Demise O has been recently accepted to the P.D.L.A.J.C., or, Politely Declined Laureates of Alphabetically Justified Content, as artist of the week, due to totally falsified documents detailing innumerate anecdotes of elation as caused by his auratory accidents, and ill-conceived obstructions to the eardrum. Demise O wishes to thank the dominion of minions for their continued support, and also to ask that no more contributions be made to the Billy Major fund-ation. Billy finally got his Camaro, GOOD JOB, BILLY!