Fast Cars, Motorcycles, Racing, Shooting, Guns, Electronics, Travel. And yes i do have some girlie hobbies too .... Spa's, Massages, Yoga, Reiki, Shopping and just kicking it at home with my pet's and bestest friends :-)))
Law and Order
My Mom !!!! She is one cool Lady and she stood by me no matter what i put her through. My best friend Al !!!!! You CHANGED my LIFE and I LOVE YOU!!! My one....left over kitty THEO. Snaggles and Leo passed this year.Still I love them fuzzy critters. muahh. My friends SCOTTY, BESS, VICKY, KEVIN, BRIAN AND KIRSTEN, AS WELL AS SAGE. Thanks for being part of my life. I want to thank my Agent Robert Lombard for all he has done for me at Creative Mngmt. and Casting, you were like a Dad to me and special thanks to Eddie Van Halen for one of my biggest LIFE LESSONS. Rock on SUPASTAR. :-))