kenny profile picture


I am a unique individual...haha

About Me

I just got here, give me a break.
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My Interests

snowboarding, hockey, mixed martial arts, muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu, scuba diving, history, wine, cooking, movies of all kinds

I'd like to meet:

cool and interesting people, people who aren't limited by convention. Also, in no particular order: Chuck Liddell, Matt Hughes, George H.W. Bush (he'd be a cool guy to party with), Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, Drew Remenda, Will Ferrall, Dave Chapelle, Jack Black, Mike Ness of Social Distortion, Avena Lee


almost anything. I grew up listening to punk rock, but my musical tastes diversified in college. R&B and hip hop from my frat, metal from my roommate. I'm a closet AC/DC and Iron Maiden fan.


Star Wars (the original episode IV), The Thin Red Line, Old School, The Road Warrior


Lost, Law and Order, reality tv junkie, Hell's Kitchen and The Ultimate Fighter (of course!)


yes, I can read...Stephen King's Salem's Lot, that is one creepy novel. La Rue Sans Joie by Bernard Fall.


Martin Luther King Jr., Mohatmas Gandhi