my general aim at the moment is not be all exciting and original. what i am trying to do is to break down the components of the sounds and songwriting of other artists (namely sufjan stevens and tunng), to recreate them, and then put them back together to make my own song 'in the style of'... so to speak. the theory is that by doing this i will eventually pick up on the aspects of different sounds and songwriting style that i have identified and that i want to keep, rearrange them, and create an original sound.
the first song is the first song recorded with the new band members, bard and cat, and is about charlotte beradt, a jounalist who recorded the dreams of her fellow berliners in the 1930s.
the next song, berlin has fallen, is me trying to delve into the style of tunng, who mix electronica with folk, and are amazing. i simply cant do electronic sampling as well as they can.
the one after the that is an attempt at overlayed strumming and picking, with complimentary mulitple melodies, as in charlotte beradt.
and the last one, horror music organ, is a guitar piece that started as a soundtrack for a horror movie short i was going to make with some friends, but then i made the second chord, which isnt at all creepy, and so turned it into an instrumental (very)slightly-radiohead-ish track, with the organ played by oz manthorpe.
please enjoy my blasphemy against these gods of modern music.