I love the water, I think I could live on it in a houseboat' what a dream that would be!!!Love the moon and stars. I am a hopeless romantic. Perhaps, I live in a Fantasy world, cos this world sure seems to suck big time a lot, but' I do all I can to make things better, to make a difference. I love POETRY, reading it and writing it. I love growing things too....flowers, plants...ect....((Photography,)) I love messing around with any and all types of cameras and taking pictures of anything that moves or not.
Good people that are honest.I am not here for Dating.If you are interested in poetry and want to share some writings or poetry I'd love it!One Place that you will find my Poetry is here:At this site... to the Starlite Cafe for Starshine7 ----- Poems by Starshine7 .. ---- End link to The Starlite Cafe -----
Music~ I sleep with it, I get up with it...Music.. give it to me! In my soul is the beat, in my heart plays the tune.And I am so thankful to all the artists, singers, songwriters, that so share their beauty and magic with us, what would the world be like without MUSIC!
Nick Martin Music.
But, of course, I like romance and love stories, but a lot of other stuff too, I like movies of the mind also, cos its an amazing thing, 'the mind' I like As Good As It Gets', Fav. is 'Walk The Line'!!! Like Sean Connery in First Knight' and Jenniffer Lopez "Enough" she rocks!!!Kicks ass in that one. She's great! I Love the Marilyn Monroe movies/films/I admire her,she is my IDOL. She was such an Artist with so many talents, acting, singing, writing, also a Poet. I love her!I also LOVE JACK SPARROW/Johnny Depp
Cop stories~Some I like.TV rots the brain you know, I would much more listen to music...but' I do love a good romance story, and fantasy a lot,also like health issues...anything to learn I enjoy. I rather do something active' or helpful' for others, that's the Best~ Helping others~The children of the world need us so badly.
AnYthing POETRY I will read it!!!!!! Anything of the Mind too!
Many.~ Michael Jackson, Demetri Betts, Martina Mcbride and a few more.~