and wondering what happens that takes the kool away from those who have earned it by those who pretend. I only want the too true kool people in my life. Pretenders suck. They need to be exposed.Check out Brian Murphy's Crime Fiction at Thug, Thuglit,com
John leCarre', Greg Palast, Genghis Khan, Voltaire, Bowie and Iggy together in one mad limo ride to heaven,Crazy Horse, Emiliano Zapata, Agustas Sandino,Lenny Bruce, Barnum P. Baily, Mad Dog Cole, Houdini, Marilyn Monroe, Cleopatra, and any little ole Nubian Queen, then or now, Moses so i can ask him about the third stone tablet with the other commandments, every dark, sullen beauty out there with coffee colored skin and hair black as ink, every trully funny person in the world, Howard Zinn, you???? Me doin' betta? Ghosts the Queen's Corsairs, Yogi Bear, hobos, heroes and street corner clowns, Dostoevsky, Bugs Bunny, Billy the Kid, Merlin -- it's just that, would any of these visiting indignitaries want to meet me? How about we all go on a political junket?... I'd also like very much to meet every barnacle on the hull of the love boat. And sweet Nicaraguan babylove - you know who you are - i'll be back.Average beautiful people - that's who i really wish i could meet. often gets tired - these famous and under the lime light bigger than life fakes. How about the true heroes? The ones who don't get the check? Any and all of you who care enough to give...Epiphany - concrete synphonyI’m looking for a breath of life
I believe that it’s something
That if we all can find
We’ll throw this world such a look - give it such a shaking –
Step up and start creating
A noise louder than even thunder in the sky.
Feet marching, hearts pounding – propping up the heroes too weak
Today from all the scary daggers in the cruel sides eyes.
And they pull at the strings
They make sure the big bell rings
But we’re louder don’t you see? And we shout the creeps right back down.
Nothing is stronger than passion.
So we’ll be this romantic Trojan horse.
We’ll slip into every corner where
We are there before anyone is warned.
We all help each other this time.
No stealin’ - no lies
Or the angelic thugs who prowl around
Gonna make sure it’s the last time.
We sell each other’s art and thoughts and love and courage and dreams
To the world who wouldn’t have GIVEN ANY OF US THE CHANCE.
We’re going to prove how wrong the bigs who make the decisions can really be.
We are the fantastic we are the subterranean fashion show on Mars.
We are gonna show them all of it – gonna show them ours.
Numbers and magic and divine right by blood lost earning the wonder of this world.
Taking a place – making a difference today
We are setting free all of the sad and the misfits the rich who got heart and the strong who can match it.
We are rallying around each other to see that we all get some sort of chance.
And the dream stands out – it’s walking – it’s talking – it’s teaching a new ragged dance.
Alas - May 1, 2007, and honestly I sometimes become frightenly weary hoping and waiting, trying everything I can to make these words you just read (Or did you) mean as much to others' here, as the do and did to me last October when encouraged by the infinity of space and possibilities, I came here and layed so much of my heart out here in the open. Sometimes it's so fucking sad - trying to believe.....
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The song now being played by: Elegant Gentleman, John Andersen and me....All songs are dedicated to Ma, Rick Danko, Shelly Zinn and of course George, the Armenian Elf. Music memories all magik when Rick Danko showed me his heart while Shelly Zinn, Howard Zinn's youngest brother, sick, went back to the city to work, to score, to finally die and you Rick - you told me you would help with my music but alas, in December of 1999, you also passed. - And I cried until i thought my heart would stop and get out of my skin to lay down on the road - afraid it couldn't beat after losing, you, Shelly, George and Fabio O'Choa in Medellin, Columbia - all of you helped prison daze slip by like a cakewalk at a bad Sunday engagement - all of you had given me love and hope which helped me to make music - and sure i ain't as kool as so many others - here and in the world, but i stayed poor/honest and fuckin' elegant because i had teachers like all of you - then my love wandered back to daze listening to "The Band" and Iggy and Atomic Rooster and Mick Ronson, bad boyz like Lowel George and yeah, New York Dolls - then Johansen, While further back, the usual suspects from Ian Hunter, to Thealonius Monk, Chet Baker on dreary dope daze doin' dubs and shooting televisions - big Lou wasting another 27 inch RCA while Bowie played "Rebel,Rebel, and LOU SANG "Sally can't Dance and Roxy brought particular sadness with Bryan Ferry in that fucking pink tuxedo with padded shoulders stretching across oceans and highways and Pink Floyd in Athens, Greece, rocked the entire town, crumbling pieces of the Acropolis which hadn't even been finished after over two thousand years and old Humble Pie singing about "Thirty Days in the Hole" and Deep Purple so deep in rock and Neilson Schmeilson all the way back to Iggy - well if you haven't figured it out, then... BeBop Delux, T.Rex for when I slide -Rory and Thin Lizzy and your band -
Kool hand Luke, Rumblefish, Qudraphenia, Casblanca, Pope of Greenwhich Village, Switch - any and all black n white movies and the movie that continually is being filmed by all of us
Not! Have blown apart television sets of varying size and shapes at home and abroad, with shotgun. Emotional response to crap
LeCarre, Graham Greene, any real writer.Joseph Conrad explored depravity, hopelessness, pride and courage, even untimely and ungainly love. Dickens took the city and its small characters, dirty, cruel and honorable, Greene taught us the human condition and LeCarre’ shared his love of this worlds sweetheart, beleaguered, often frightened heroes who also could not escape their human conditions or simply their own humanness, frail and pompous and alone and heart found as only a master of prose, not only a master of plot could create, or remember - illustrate for all the world to read. LeCarre showed us his heart on so many occasions during growing hatreds and multinational excess. LeCarre, a literary sorcerer and very heavy handed opinionated sage. As we see a tradition ending with LeCarre’s last words – one day; not anytime soon I hope, who will wear the shroud of passionate remembering? Vivid characters? True to the reader, a master at painting with words?Conversations can flow and comparisons made. But the sad magic and profound metaphors come not from many– they come from this gruff, tall, gray haired bard who continues to stand this world on end and force questions and deep thought.His love of characters shows his travels, and travails, and open wonder at how this world ever turned itself continually on axis while upside down. He asks us to ask, and to question where there has long been an absence of common decency. His hate is for the unjust rich and their lies to accumulate fortunes - his hatred for slave masters and foul twisted privileged.He is a historian – as well as a novelist. A painter, not a fop, not a loud drunk and bore. I cARRIED YOUR BOOK UNDER MY ARM from behind bars for crime never forgotten – I carried you with me on bad airplane seats, scrunched against fat and slovenly tourists, AND i FELT your presence along beaches and while drinking wine with strange tinkers in Galway’s alleys. I brought my “Little Drummer Girl†and read - re-read while I languished in Balbaak or picked red peppers outside Beersheba in the Negev. You have given me the hope to find my own way of talking on paper. He is who I thank and proclaim the most “Elegant of Gentleman.Brian MurphyOh how about "ElEGANT GENTLEMAN?" by Brian Murphy - it's Iggypop meets the Godfather - John LeCarre'. It's fast, high octane, memorable - it's..... The world a man walks out into after close to ten years in prison can be a difficult place to recognize. The changes he encounters once he is released can be profound. Our anti-hero, Sal Palermo, finds that life-changing betrayals didn’t stop once he’d been sent off to prison. Because of these new betrayals, along with poor planning, Sal is broke when he is released, something which he learns only days before he gets out. This wears heavily against his resolve to stay out of the drug trade – the “Game.â€For Sal Palermo, just out of Louisburg, P.A., a level 4 Penitentiary, the world is indeed a strange and foreign place. He even fears that along with everything else that he has lost, he is now at risk of losing his sense of humor. He has learned, only days before his release, that all the plans he made before and while he served his time, are virtually impossible - only dreams. Sal leaves Louisburg a poor man – he has lost everything.But Sal has made a promise, which he considers a debt now, and to keep his word, payment for the debt will also be a badge of elegance which has always meant more to him than anything else in the world, and no matter how strange and sad this difficult life of his has become – no matter how close to the edge he seems to find himself, he still believes that it’s more important to continue his commitment and devotion to this elegance – his own “street Nirvana,†than to fall back into a life he has lived for over twenty years – the life of “Game†– the drug trade. Staying away is his only hope of wiping away older sins and finally coming to understand who he truly is.In his life he has been a musician, a writer, an international drug smuggler and at times, with connections from the Lebanon, he has smuggled weapons and large ordnance to warring factions in Liberia and Sierra Leone. His Middle Eastern partner Al-Hubab, will come seeking Sal out after his release. Al-Hubab has been moving money, erasing paper trails, for al-Qaeda since its inception, August of 1988. He has a mission to complete in America, on or around Sept. 11, 2001, but first he needs Sal to move over a ton of heroin that he has smuggled from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.Sal’s partner in Chicago, Ace’s High, is also expecting Sal to get back into the “Game.†His street gang, the Gangster Disciples, is counting on that load of dope that they believe is on its way from Columbia. Al-Hubab will need Sal to broker the load – the Gangster’s know this. The only man who doesn’t is Sal.Casablanca elegance. Elegant Gentleman.
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"We cin be heroes, just for one day." David Bowie every lonely and non-affair. Every wonder and those who weren't there - not to touch,, not to taste, not to bargain - nothing you gave. not to go on to heaven without nothin' to save. Not an inch that's been stolen from those need it more? Not a pop gun sold high or low, to some fuck and his war. not an angel if she trips.. when we swim in oceans of passion; not a failure who failed - to come back take a chance. not the moody if it's selfish. not the shady hateful who might be rich, but give away none of their riches - just continue to be blind. Not the anxious who just laid a ton full-of pain. Not those who gave up on the again and again. Not profit for misery - Not money for bad destiny - Not beauties who can only – look in the mirror - And ignore the sad boy – too slow on the come - on the draw and you, unlike all the others, you came to my rescue, here and in a thousand places .