To purchase 'The Verse' by Iron On on I-Tunes click here .
ONE MAN BAND Directed by Jackie Ryan
LEARN TODAY EARN TOMORROW Directed by Kellie Lloyd
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PLAYING HARD TO WANT Directed by Andrew Ponton
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To purchase 'Oh The Romance' by Iron On on I-Tunes click here .
To purchase 'Oh The Romance' by Iron On on E-Music click here .
Iron On are currently self-managed. Please email the band direct at
[email protected].
Kate Cooper and Ross Hope met at university. There are no awesome stories about them getting mad wasted and swimming out in the ocean naked, on acid, the night before their final year assignment was due and having a realisation that they should form a rock band.
Nope. Nothing like that. In fact Kate Cooper and Ross Hope did really well at university. They are the genuine type of nerd that those fashionable kids in fluro spend a whole lot of money trying to recreate. In fact when Kate met Ross he was wearing a Something for Kate shirt and some kind of weird jumper that Jason Donavon may have worn in his career-defining role as Joseph in ‘Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat’. Hot. The story goes like this: they liked the same bands, they decided to learn guitar together, they formed a band. While Kate and Ross were completing their honours year, Ian Rogers (Bass) was learning to play Shellac covers in his garage by night, and valuing property for the government by day. Brisbane being Brisbane, it wasn't long before Kate and Ross met Ian. They talked about Sandpit and Superchunk and decided to form a band. They called it Iron .. a Superchunk song.
While all this was going on Marieca Page (drums) was working a day job, playing in other bands but hadn't really even considered playing drums. After a couple of line up changes, Brisbane being Brisbane, Marieca met Ian, Ross and Kate. By this stage Iron On had been playing live around the country for three years and Marieca had been developing "mad drum skills".
Initially Marieca only really liked Ian. She thought Ross and Kate were stand off-ish. They don't think they were. They were probably just worried that Marieca thought they were stand off-ish. It wasn't long before Marieca began to like Kate and Ross and Iron On became the highly-oiled and well-functioning machine it is today. Actually, they are just very good friends who spend too much time together making music, talking about records and eating (Marieca, Ian and Ross prefer savoury. Kate can survive on only chocolate).
Three quarters of Iron On sustained their rock and roll career teaching the youth of Australia at several universities in Brisbane. They didn't teach music because none of them can read it. The band are more often recognised by former student than fans. However, between semesters they have hit the road with bands such as Eskimo Joe, The Shins (US), Ben Kweller (US), The Shout Out Louds (SWE), Sleater Kinney(US) and good friends Tegan and Sara (CAN) to name a few. Tegan and Sara aren't the only Canadians that love Iron On. In 2006 they were nominated in the Favourite New Artist/International Group category at the Canadian Indies without ever having released or toured the country. Being the polite lads and ladies they are, they traveled to the vast and rather cold country to play a string of shows and attend the awards ceremony. They didn't win, but they did have a good time although Ross managed to be in the toilet when the nominations for their category were announced and missed the whole thing. They didn't however miss their opportunity at creating a stir with Canadian fans and critics alike.
For their latest recording adventure they packed their bags and headed out to Applewood, a renovated church turned studio past Ipswich owned by ARIA award-winning producer Magoo (Regurgitator, Midnight Oil, Jebediah, Kate Miller-Heidke). Iron On recorded their critically-lauded debut album, Oh The Romance with Magoo and have subsequently developed a tight knit working relationship. So tight in fact that Magoo managed to pass on a bout of conjunctivitis to Ross in the studio. Kate, Ian and Marieca remained untouched physically, but mentally they were pretty spooked by a) the old church, b) the fact they were sleeping in a renovated church that looked alarmingly similar to the Great Northern Hotel in Twin Peaks c) the framed Laura Palmer photograph, complete with cracked glass on the dresser in the lounge room and d) if you squinted your eyes at Magoo late at night in the church he kind of did look like Benjamin Horn. There was however, no one armed man and Magoo's wife Tylea did not carry a log.
Despite their Twin Peaks-related anxieties and both Magoo and Ross' inability to see anything, they managed to capture four new tracks that display their songwriting growth and unavoidable excitement. This new ep is disarming and unrepentant. If you have found or lost love recently, this EP will strike a nerve like foil on silver filling. Iron On manage to disarm and dismantle listeners in four songs. Not a bad effort really for four well-educated friends filled with a whole bunch of social anxieties.
Iron On’s five-track EP, ‘The Verse’ is out on November 17th through Ruth Street/Inertia. The first single ‘One Man Band’ is out to radio on October 8.
For more information, please contact Megan Reeder at Secret Service Public Relations on
[email protected] or 0422066651 or (07) 3854 1488 ext 111.
'The Verse' EP (2007)
Out: 17.11.07
'Oh the Romance' LP (2005)
'Everybody Calm Down' EP (2004)
'The Understudy' EP (2003)